Buildings and transport

Enabling climate resilient places and a responsible footprint
We aim to employ innovative approaches for building, landscape and transport infrastructure to minimise negative impacts and prepare us for the consequences of climate change.


  • ensure a minimum 5 Star, Green Star rating for all new buildings and 4 Star, Green Star for major refurbishment projects in current buildings by 2025
  • assess 100% of eligible buildings and core infrastructure for climate resilience by 2025, including climate resilience and sustainability standards in the University’s asset management planning across all campuses
  • have no more than 10% of staff and 5% of students travel to work by private motor vehicle transport by 2025
  • reduce the number of kilometres flown on University business by 20% by 2025


Campus Improvement Program

Over the last 10 years, the University has built a number of new buildings across our campuses as part of our Campus Improvement Program. The program aims to ensure a minimum 5 Star, Green Star rating for all new buildings and 4 Star, Green Star for major refurbishment projects in existing buildings by 2025.

4 Star Green Star Engineering Technology Precinct

The new Engineering and Technology Precinct (ETP) has been designed to include energy efficient lighting, improved indoor air quality features, a solar photovoltaic system on the roof, promotion of sustainable transport, and surface heat reduction landscape design.

It has currently been awarded a 4 Star Green Star Design Review & As Built certified rating, which represents best practice in sustainable design. The ETP building will apply for a 4 Star Green Star As Built certification rating following completion.

Circular economy concrete pavement

The Waste Transformation Research Hub (WTRH) are currently testing a new formula of eco-concrete pavement that incorporates fly ash, ground recycled glass and carbon dioxide at our Camperdown Campus as a living lab initiative.  

Sustainable Transport and Mobility Plan

We are refreshing our Sustainable Transport and Mobility Plan, to help reduce the impact of motor vehicles and further our work in developing a more accessible, pedestrian-friendly environment on our campuses and in surrounding communities.

We promote walking, cycling and the use of public transport, to reduce the number of people travelling to our campuses by private cars.

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