Following an internal expression of interest, Professor Donald McNeill has been appointed Interim Head of School and Dean of Sydney School of Architecture, Design and Planning effective from 1 July 2024.
Professor Annamarie Jagose, Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor says: "Donald was appointed based on his breadth and depth of leadership experience across the School, including as Associate Dean Research and Acting Head of School and Dean, as well as his successful working relationships and depth of understanding of the wider institutional context."
"Donald also has significant academic experience as Professor of Urbanism and his research interests span human geography and urban studies. Donald will remain in the role for the next 12 months or until the substantive position of Head of School and Dean of Sydney School of Architecture, Design and Planning is filled" she says.
An international search for the next Head of School and Dean of the Sydney School of Architecture, Design and Planning is currently underway.