
Studying Media and Communications

Answers to all your frequently asked questions
What’s the difference between Media and Communications and Digital Cultures? Like to know more about our media internships? Or what types of jobs you’ll be qualified for after graduation? Look no further, check out this FAQ.

What will I learn?

Beyond an exceptional education in media/communications theory – including learning about the structure of media industries, their role in culture, politics and globalisation, the different legal/ethical issues in the field – you’ll gain real-world experience in media writing, radio, video and digital media production, and media relations.

The Media Studies major is embedded in this degree and you’ll also undertake a second major from the shared pool.

What's the difference between a major and a minor? Check out this handy page.

What’s the deal with internships?

Short answer: They play a big part in the degree. You're required to take an internship in your final year.

Over the course of a few months, for a minimum of 20 days, you’ll work alongside media experts, picking up plenty of hands-on experience, valuable contacts and a preview of what professional life looks like before graduation.

Internships are available in a variety of industries, including national and international journalism outlets, public relations and advertising agencies, national television and radio, and major print and online media organisations.

Some of our internship hosts include:  NBC, Channel 9, ABC, SBS, Publicis Media, Sydney Writers Festival, Sydney Opera House, Thrive PR.

Can I study Media and Communications in other degrees?

Short answer: Not really.

At the undergraduate level, you can only study Media and Communications in the dedicated Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Media and Communications) degree or by choosing to take a major in Media Studies within the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws.

(Something to think about: we also offer a major in Digital Cultures, which is available across a broader range of degrees).

What's the difference between Media and Communications and Digital Cultures?

Short answer: They're related but have pretty different focuses.

Media and Communications is all about mass media. You look at the media’s role in culture/politics and the legal/ethical issues that surround it.

You'll also learn practical skills like news writing, reportage, film/digital production and how to put together public relations/communications plans.

In Digital Cultures, you study how technology and the internet has shaped the way we interact, think and communicate in contemporary society.

The ever-changing way we generate and consume new tech in our daily lives, and the role this plays in cultural practices, is also a big component of this area of study.

What sort of jobs will I be qualified for with a Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Media and Communications)?

Short answer: Lots! You’ll have loads of career opportunities after graduation.

This degree will provide you with a very modern skillset that opens up a range of professional fields: from journalism to public policy, international communications to public relations.

Our Media and Communications grads work across many different industries and roles, including: corporate communications, journalist or reporter (print, online, radio, television), editor, market or media researcher, producer or programmer (radio, TV, podcasts), digital producer, media advisor, content creator and web developer, social media manager, post-production, marketing and public relations consultant.

What can I study?

Media and Communications will provide you with a broad array of skills tailored to meet the needs of this fast-changing landscape. Gain real-world experience in media writing, radio, video and digital media production, and media relations as well as a scholarly and critical education in media and communications theory and practice. 

Digital Cultures critically investigates the internet, new media and digital technologies and examines the roles these play in contemporary life. Explore intelligent, interactive, mobile and networked technologies and become a skilled communicator and critical analyst of new technologies and digital media in Australian and global contexts.

*Available to all students studying the Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Visual Arts, as well as all combined Bachelor of Advanced Studies degrees.  

BANNER IMAGE: Photo by CoWomen on Unsplash