Apply to the University degree of your choice
Find a course and apply for a University of Sydney degree program.
One visa to cover both your University degree and CET studies
Find a course and apply for a University of Sydney degree program.
If you are eligible for an offer of admission but need to demonstrate higher English proficiency, the University will send you a conditional offer subject to meeting the English requirements for your course.
If you have conditions other than English proficiency on your conditional offer, you will need to meet the other conditions before you apply for CET's packaged visa offer.
Make an online application to a CET course. You will be asked to upload your conditional offer, English language test results and passport.
CET will assess your application. If you are not eligible for the course you have selected we will make a recommendation for another English course. You will receive a confirmation email.
We will send you a package offer. In order to accept the package, you must meet all conditions on your University offer other than English.
Make your payment to CET as instructed in your offer letter.
You will receive an eCoE from the University admissions team for degree studies, and another eCoE from CET for English studies.
These allow you to apply for one visa for your whole period of study and saves you time from re-applying for a second visa prior to your degree commencement.
With both eCoEs, you can apply for your student visa.