University of Sydney Handbooks - 2020 Archive

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Bachelor of Engineering Honours (Architecture)

Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites C: Corequisites N: Prohibition Session

Civil Engineering Architecture Stream Table

To satisfy the degree requirement of the Bachelor of Engineering Honours (Civil) and Bachelor of Design in Architecture a candidate must study not less than 144 credit points of the core civil and engineering units of study and 96 credit points of design in architecture units of study as set out in the table below.

Architecture Core units

Complete all 90 credit points of the following units of study:
Architectural History/Theory 1
6    A HSC Mathematics and HSC English Standard
N DESA1102
Semester 1
Architectural Technologies 1
6    N DESA1102
Semester 2
Architecture Studio 1A
12    C BDES1011
N DESA1001 or BDES1010 or BDES1024
Semester 1
Architecture Studio 1B
12    P BDES1026 or BDES1010 or DESA1001
C BDES1023
N BDES1020 or DESA1002 or BDES1012
Semester 2
Architectural Technologies 2
6    P BDES1023
N DESA2111 or BDES2613
Semester 1
Architecture Studio 2A
12    P BDES1027 or BDES1020 or DESA1002
C BDES2013
N BDES2010 or DESA2001 or BDES2012
Semester 1
Architecture Studio 2B
12    P (BDES2026 and BDES1011) or BDES2010 or DESA2001 or BDES2622
C BDES2024 or CIVL2410 or BDES2623
N BDES2624
Semester 2
Architecture Studio 3A
12    P (BDES2027 or BDES2020 or BDES2624) and (BDES2013 or BDES2613)
C BDES3011 or MATH2061
N BDES3010 or DESA3001 or BDES3023 or BDES3616
Semester 1
Architecture Studio 3B
12    P BDES3026 or BDES3010 or DESA3001 or BDES3616
N BDES3020 or DESA3002 or BDES3012
Semester 2

Architecture Elective units

Complete 6 credit points from the following units of study:
Art Processes
6    P BDES1026 or BDES1024
Semester 2
Architectural History/Theory 3
6    P BDES2027 or BDES2021 or DESA2111 or BDES2616
N DAAP3001 or BDES3611
Semester 1
Architectural Professional Practice
6    P BDES3023 or BDES3026 or BDES3616
Semester 2
Students wishing to continue with further studies in Architecture at Sydney University should choose BDES3025.

For a standard enrolment plan for Civil Engineering visit CUSP (