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Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Languages)

Course resolutions

The course resolutions detailed in this page apply to all courses included in the table below under section 1 (course codes).

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2014 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Coursework Policy 2021 (the 'Coursework Policy'), the Learning and Teaching Policy 2019, the Resolutions of the Faculty, University of Sydney (Student Academic Appeals) Rule 2021, the Academic Integrity Policy 2022 and the Academic Integrity Procedures 2022. Current versions of all policies are available from the Policy Register:

1  Course codes

Code Course title
BPARTSAR-09 Bachelor of Arts
BPARTAVS-01 Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies

2  Attendance pattern

(1) The attendance pattern for this course is full time or part time according to candidate choice.

3  Streams

(1)  The Bachelor of Arts is available in the following streams:

(a)  Dalyell.

(2)  The Bachelor of Arts is available as a dual degree in the following streams:

(a)  Dual Degree: Sciences Po, France

(3)  The Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies is available in the following streams:

(a)  Dalyell

(b)  International and Global Studies

(c)  Languages

(d)  Media and Communications

(e)  Politics and International Relations

(4)  Completion of a stream is not a requirement of the Bachelor of Arts or the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies. The requirements for the completion of each stream are as specified in Table A for the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies or, in the case of the Dalyell stream, in Table D of the Shared Pool for Undergraduate Degrees and Part 6 of these resolutions.

(5)  Candidates wishing to transfer between streams or exit from a stream should contact the Student Centre. Candidates who qualify for the Dalyell stream may complete that stream while also completing another stream.

4  Cross-faculty management

(1)  Candidates in the Bachelor of Arts and the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies will be under the supervision of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.

(2)  The Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences shall exercise authority in any matter concerned with the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies not otherwise dealt with in these resolutions.

5  Admission to candidature

(1)  Admission to this course is on the basis of a secondary school leaving qualification such as the NSW Higher School Certificate (including national and international equivalents), tertiary study or an approved preparation program. English language requirements must be met where these are not demonstrated by sufficient qualifications taught in English. Special admission pathways are open for mature aged applicants who do not possess a school leaving qualification, educationally disadvantaged applicants and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants. Applicants are ranked by merit and offers for available places are issued according to the ranking. Details of admission policies are found in the Coursework Rule and the Coursework Policy.

(2)  Admission to the Dalyell stream requires achievement of a minimum tertiary admission rank (ATAR) set by joint agreement of all the faculties and University schools administering degrees offering the Dalyell Stream or equivalent.

(3)  Admission to the Dual Degree stream requires additional submissions and an additional admission process as specified below:

(a)  Admission to this course is on the basis of a secondary school leaving qualification such as the NSW Higher School Certificate (including national and international equivalents). English language requirements of both institutions must be met where these are not demonstrated by sufficient qualifications taught in English.

(b)  a personal statement that indicates the applicants' motivations for applying for the stream;

(c)   submission of supplementary material as set out on Sydney Courses; and,

(d)   an interview that will be evaluated by a joint admissions panel, from the University and the dual degree partner.

(4)  Applicants will be ranked on merit and offers for available places will be issued according to the ranking.

6  Requirements for award

(1)  The units of study that may be taken for the Bachelor of Arts and the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies are set out in:

(a)  Table A for the Bachelor of Arts and the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies;

(b)  Table S of the Shared Pool for Undergraduate Degrees;

(c)  Table O of the Shared Pool for Undergraduate Degrees;

(d)  For students enrolled in the Dalyell stream, Table D of the Shared Pool for Undergraduate Degrees.

(e)  In these resolutions, except where otherwise specified, Table A, Table S, Table O and Table D mean Table A, Table S, Table O and Table D as specified here.

(2)  Bachelor of Arts

To qualify for the award of the Bachelor of Arts degree, candidates must complete 144 credit points in total, comprising:

(a)  A major (48 credit points) or a program as listed and defined in Section 7 below and as specified in Table A;

(b)  A minor (36 credit points) or second major (48 credit points) as listed and defined in Section 7 below and as specified in Table A or Table S;

(c)  For students not enrolled in the Dalyell stream, 6 credit points of units of study in the Open Learning Environment as specified in Table O;

(d)  For students enrolled in the Dalyell Stream: a minimum of 12 credit points of Dalyell units of study as specified in Table D.

(e)  Students previously but no longer enrolled in the Dalyell Stream who have completed at least 6 credit points of Dalyell units of study are not required to complete any units of study in the Open Learning Environment;

(f)  Where appropriate, elective units from Table A, Table S, Table O or, for students enrolled in the Dalyell Stream, Table D.

(g)  6 credit points of core units of study as specified in Table A unless enrolled in a stream other than the Dalyell stream;

(h)  If enrolled in a stream, complete the requirements for the stream as specified in Table A or Table D.

(3)  Bachelor of Arts (Dual Degree: Sciences Po, France)

To qualify for the award of the Dual Degree: Sciences Po, France stream, candidates must complete 144 credit points in total, comprising:

(a)  2-year sequence (which will be credited as 48 credit points) of study at Sciences Po, France in accordance with any rules set out by that institution

(b)  A major (48 credit points) as listed and defined in Section 7 below and as specified in Table A;

(c)  Where appropriate, elective units from Table A or Table S

(d)  Students may complete a second major (48 credit points) or minor (36 credit points) as listed in Section 7 below as specified from Table A or Table S

(e)  For students enrolled in the Dalyell Stream: a minimum of 12 credit points of Dalyell units of study as specified in Table D.

(4) Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies

To qualify for the award of the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies, a candidate must complete 192 credit points, comprising:

(a) A major (48 credit points) or program as listed and defined in Section 7 below and specified in Table A;

(b) A second major (48 credit points) as listed and defined in Section 7 below and specified in Table A or Table S;

(c) For students not enrolled in the Dalyell Stream, 6 credit points of units of study in the Open Learning Environment as specified in Table O;

(d) For students enrolled in the Dalyell Stream, a minimum of 12 credit points of Dalyell Stream units of study as specified in Table D.

(e) Students previously enrolled in the Dalyell Stream in their current degree, who are no longer in the stream and have completed at least 6 credit points of Dalyell units of study are not required to complete any units of study in the Open Learning Environment;

(f) A minimum of 24 credit points at 4000 level from Table A or Table S, including a community, industry or entrepreneurship project of at least 12 and up to 36 credit points.

(g) Where appropriate, elective units from Table A, Table S, Table O or, for students enrolled in the Dalyell Stream, Table D.

(h) 6 credit points of core units of study as specified in Table A unless enrolled in a stream other than the Dalyell stream;

(i) If enrolled in a stream, complete the requirements for the stream as specified in Table A or Table D.

7  Programs, majors and minors

(1)  Bachelor of Arts

(a)  Completion of a major or program from Table A and a minor or second major from Table A or Table S is a requirement of the Bachelor of Arts. Requirements for completion of majors and minors are as set out in Table A and Table S.

(b)  Candidates in the Bachelor of Arts have the option of completing:

(i)  A program (which must contain a major) in place of their first major; and

(ii)  A second major from Table A or Table S in place of the minor.

(c)  Requirements for completion of programs are as set out in Table A.

(2)  Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies

(a)  Completion of a major from Table A and second major from Table A or Table S is a requirement of the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies. Requirements for completion of majors and minors are as set out in Table A and Table S.

(b)  Candidates in the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies have the option of completing a program (which must contain a major).

(3)  Requirements for programs, majors and minors

(a)  Programs, majors and minors are as defined in the Learning and Teaching Policy.

(b)  The requirements for completion of programs, majors and minors are as set out in Table A and Table S.

(4)  Majors available in Table A of the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies:

American Studies

Ancient Greek

Ancient History


Arabic Language and Cultures


Art History

Asian Studies

Chinese Studies


Cultural Studies

Digital Cultures



Economic Policy

Education Studies


Environmental, Agricultural and Resource Economics

European Studies

Film Studies

Financial Economics

French and Francophone Studies

Gender Studies

Germanic Studies

Hebrew (modern)


Indigenous Studies

Indonesian Studies

International and Comparative Literary Studies

International Relations

Italian Studies

Japanese Studies

Jewish Civilisation, Thought and Culture

Korean Studies

Latin Linguistics

Media Studies (Available only as a major and only to students admitted into the Media and Communications stream, Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Law, or Bachelor of Media and Communications)

Modern Greek Studies

Music (offered by the Sydney Conservatorium of Music)


Political Economy


Socio-legal Studies


Spanish and Latin American Studies

Theatre and Performance Studies

Visual Arts

(5)  Programs in the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies:

International and Global Studies

Media and Communications

Politics and International Relations

Psychology (from Table A of the Bachelor of Science)

With the exception of Psychology, programs in the Bachelor of Arts are only available to students admitted into relevant streams. A Psychology program may only be taken in addition to a major from Table A of the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies.

(6)  Table A minors

(a)  All majors available as Table A majors in the Bachelor of Arts, except the majors in Media Studies, are available as Table A minors in the Bachelor of Arts. Minors available in the Bachelor of Arts also include those listed in Table S and the following additional Table A minors:

Diversity Studies


Studies in Religion

(7)  Second majors

All majors available as Table A majors in the Bachelor of Arts are available as second majors in the Bachelor of Arts and the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies. Second majors available in the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies also include those listed in Table S.

8  Progression rules

(1)  Progression within a major, program or minor

(a)  Except with the permission of the relevant program, major or minor coordinator, candidates must pass two 1000- level units of study within a major (except a language major), program or minor, before proceeding to 2000-level units within that major, program or minor, or else undertake those 1000-level units concurrently with the 2000-level units.

(b)  Except with the permission of the relevant program, major or minor coordinator, candidates must pass the required number of 2000-level units of study within a major (except a language major), program or minor, before proceeding to 3000-level units or else undertake those 2000-level units concurrently with the 3000-level units.

(c)  Candidates in a language major commence a major at a level commensurate with their previous ability as determined by the Faculty and must complete lower level units before completing the next higher level or else undertake those lower level units concurrently with the next higher level.

(2)  Progression within the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies

Except with the permission of the Associate Dean Undergraduate, candidates who are not in the Dalyell Stream must complete 144 credit points, including at least one major, a minor or second major and the required credit points from the Open Learning Environment as set out in Section 6 above before progressing to 4000-level units, including 4000-level project units.

(3)  Progression within the Dalyell Stream

(a)  With the permission of the Dalyell coordinator, candidates in the Dalyell Stream may attempt advanced units at higher levels than the usual sequence through a program, major or minor.

(b)  Candidates must achieve a Cross-Semester Average Mark (CSAM) at a level determined by joint agreement of all the faculties and University schools administering degrees offering the Dalyell Stream, or equivalent, in each year of study or over each 48 credit-point block to continue in the Dalyell Stream.

(c)  Candidates who do not maintain the required a CSAM at the level determined by joint agreement of all the faculties and University schools administering degrees offering the Dalyell Stream, or equivalent, may continue in any other major, minor, program or stream into which they were admitted, but will not remain in the Dalyell Stream.

(d)  Candidates enrolled in the Dalyell Stream who do not satisfy requirements for the Dalyell Stream but who otherwise meet requirements for the award course in which they are enrolled will graduate from the award course without the Dalyell Stream. Students may not study units additional to the maximum credit points for their award course except with the approval of the Associate Dean.

(4)  Progression within the Dual Degree streams

(a)  Students in a dual degree stream of the Bachelor of Arts must make satisfactory academic progress as stipulated by the rules of the partner institution and must complete four semesters of the partner degree to be eligible to continue in the dual degree stream.

(b)  Candidates enrolled in the Dual Degree Stream who do not satisfy requirements for the Dual Degree Stream but who otherwise meet requirements for the award course in which they are enrolled will graduate from the award course without the Dual Degree Stream. Students may not study units additional to the maximum credit points for their award course except with the approval of the Associate Dean.

9  Requirements for honours

(1)  Honours is available for students who meet the applicable admission requirements as a Bachelor Honours degree, after completion of the requirements for the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies or the Bachelor of Arts as specified in section 6.

10  Award of the Bachelor of Arts and the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies

(1)  Candidates for the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies will be awarded a separate testamur for each degree completed.

(a)    Candidates for the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies without a stream who have completed requirements will be awarded a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Advanced Studies.

(b)    Candidates for the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies with the International and Global Studies stream who have completed the requirements will be awarded a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Advanced Studies (International and Global Studies).

(c)    Candidates for the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies with the Languages stream who have completed the requirements will be awarded a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Languages).

(d)    Candidates for the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies with the Media and Communications stream who have completed the requirements will be awarded a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Media and Communications).

(e)    Candidates for the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies with the Politics and International Relations stream who have completed the requirements will be awarded a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Politics and International Relations).

(2)  Candidates who have completed requirements for the Bachelor of Arts but do not meet requirements for the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies will be awarded the Bachelor of Arts.

11  Cross-institutional study

(1) Cross-institutional study is available in this course under conditions specified in the Resolutions of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.

12  International exchange

(1) The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences encourages candidates in this course to participate in international exchange programs as set out in the Resolutions of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.

13  Course transfer

(1)    A candidate may transfer from the Bachelor of Arts and elect to complete the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies in accordance with these resolutions and receive full credit for work completed in the Bachelor of Arts.

(2)    A candidate may transfer from the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies combined degree and elect to complete the Bachelor of Arts in accordance with these resolutions and receive full credit for work completed up to 144 credit points.

(3)    Readmission to the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies after transferring from the degree will require a new application for admission to candidature for that degree.

(4)    A candidate may transfer from the dual degree stream in accordance with Section 8, part (4) and apply for recognition of prior learning for work completed at the partner institution. Credit will be granted in accordance with Section 14, part (1) of these resolutions and the Coursework Policy.

14  Credit for previous study

(1)  Recognition of prior learning is subject to the provisions of the Coursework Policy and the Resolutions of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences or, in the case of a major or minor offered by another faculty, any relevant resolutions of that faculty.

(2)  Candidates in a Dual Degree stream who have completed two years in a partner institution will receive 48 credit points of recognition of prior learning, when they enrol in the corresponding degree at the University of Sydney.

15  Transitional provisions

(1)  Sections 9 and 10 of these resolutions apply to all students in the Bachelor of Arts and the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies regardless of when they commenced their candidature.

(2)  All other sections of these resolutions apply to students who commenced after 1 January 2025.