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Jewish Civilisation, Thought and Culture

About the major

Jewish Civilisation, Thought and Culture is an interdisciplinary program which covers history, philosophy, literature, religion, ethics and cultural studies. The major explores two millennia of Jewish Civilisation focusing on the historical evolution of Judaism, and how Jewish identity has been moulded by key Jewish thinkers and the Jewish historical experience. It traces this journey through periods of continuity as well as radical change, including the seismic shifts that the Jews experience as both sovereign and diaspora peoples.

In so doing JCTC provides insight into the rich cultural heritage of a small minority and their significant contributions to broader world culture in both the Christian and later Muslim worlds in terms of three basic periods: the Classical (Talmudic and post-Talmudic periods in Palestine, the Middle East and Asia); the Medieval, with a focus on the key centres which developed first in Spain and later in Poland; and finally the Modern (and contemporary) era, with emancipation and the challenges of modernity, the Holocaust, Jewish nationalism and statehood.

There are no foreign language requirements for undergraduate study as all units of study are conducted in English and use texts in English. Study of Hebrew is, however, encouraged in conjunction with JCTC units of study, and a basic knowledge of at least one language associated with the Jewish experience (either Hebrew Classical or Modern, or German) is recommended for honours and postgraduate study.

Requirements for completion

The Jewish Civilisation, Thought and Culture major and minor requirements are listed in the Jewish Civilisation, Thought and Culture unit of study table.

Advanced coursework

Requirements and units of study for advanced coursework can be found on the advanced coursework units of study page.


A high proportion of students who major in Jewish Civilisation, Thought and Culture continue to an Honours year.

The honours program allows students to undertake advanced seminars on Jewish thought, practice and history, and write a research thesis on a topic of their choice.

Most students choose a thesis topic within the modern Jewish experience, usually relating to the Holocaust, Israel or Australian Jewry, which are the specialist areas of academics within the Jewish Studies program. You are encouraged to place your Honours thesis within the broader context of Jewish Civilisation and to continue with your language studies during an Honours year. This represents the discipline’s philosophy of the close connections between language, culture and in the Jewish case the Hebrew language and religious belief and practice. At the higher levels, whether relating to Biblical Studies or Jewish Civilisation, some knowledge of the Hebrew language is considered vital to a full understanding of Jewish literature and heritage.

Honours admission requirements

Admission to honours is via the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) and requires the completion of a major in Jewish Civilisation, Thought and Culture with an average of 70 percent or above.

It is desirable but not required for students to have a basic knowledge of at least one language associated with the Jewish experience (either Hebrew Classical or Modern, or German).

Prior to commencing, you will need to ensure you have completed all other requirements of the Bachelor of Arts or other bachelor degree, including Open Learning Environment (OLE) units. For pre-July 2024 students, where undertaking Bachelor of Advanced Studies, a second major is also required.

Requirements and units of study for honours can be found on the Jewish, Civilisation, Thought and Culture honours units of study page.

Contacts and further information

More information and current contact details for academic coordinators can be found on the Discipline of Hebrew, Biblical and Jewish Studies website .