The Film and Screen Arts (MFSA) offers you a hands-on education in contemporary moving image production by teaching you how to develop a film project from concept to screen. It is ideal for professionals pursuing a career in the film and digital media sector, and for anyone wishing to engage with contemporary filmmaking and interactive media.
The course combines traditional and experimental aspects of film creation and production with new directions in the cinematic arts, incorporating new technologies in interactivity, three-dimensional imaging and virtual delivery.
The course structure requires you to complete a cohesive sequence of core units of study, supplemented by a range of electives. A capstone unit in the form of a moving image project allows you to unite the major themes of the course.
As part of your studies, you will also complete one selective unit which is a compulsory praxis component of study. This may be undertaken as:
(a) an industry placement;
(b) a professional project that delivers your final moving image project in one of several professional industry formats; or
(c) a research project consisting of an academically rigorous written component that assists you to prepare for a higher degree research pathway.
Please refer to the course resolutions in this handbook for information on the specific admission requirements for different coursework award courses.
To qualify for the Master of Film and Screen Arts, candidates must complete 72 credit points, including:
Contact details can be found on these websites: