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Bachelor of Commerce (Honours)

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the program students will be able to:

Course learning outcomes  Graduate quality  
1. Synthesise advanced theory, knowledge and technical skills in the specified discipline or area of practice. Depth of disciplinary expertise Information and digital literacy



2. Investigate and critically analyse complex disciplinary problems and identify and formulate appropriate evidence-based solutions. Depth of disciplinary expertise Critical thinking and Problem solving

Information and digital literacy


3. Communicate advanced disciplinary knowledge, skills, research findings and evidence-based solutions effectively in written, visual and verbal modes, to specialist and non-specialist audiences. Depth of disciplinary expertise Oral and written communication Information and digital literacy Influence  
4. Work responsibly in an individual context and within diverse cultural and disciplinary perspectives, demonstrating autonomy, good judgement, adaptability and ethical responsibility as a practitioner, learner and researcher.  Cultural competence Interdisciplinary effectiveness Integrated professional, ethical, and personal identity


5. Apply advanced research principles and skills to interpret existing data. Critical thinking and problem solving Information and digital literacy  


6. Plan, formulate and execute an individual research project into a disciplinary problem, using novel approaches where feasible. Depth of disciplinary expertise Critical thinking and problem solving Oral and written communication

