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Accounting is the language of business. A study in accounting provides capability and credibility across a broad spectrum of careers. It opens the door to many other markets and professions where the ability to understand and interpret financial information is the key capability. Students are provided with the opportunity to develop strong, technical, analytical and problem-solving skills, whilst keeping abreast of contemporary issues in accounting practice. A feature of the Business School's program is that it takes an analytical perspective of how accounting is practised and how it should be practised. These and other questions are explored in an atmosphere that encourages a sense of enquiry.

Mathematics prerequisites and Mathematics Learning Support

In 2024, some mathematics prerequisites  for undergraduate students commencing in Semester 1 2025 were removed.

It has been identified that this curriculum component (Program, Major or Minor) has been affected. To ensure success, make sure you are aware of the required level of mathematics (assumed knowledge) for this curriculum component. Visit the mathematics learning support webpage, to understand your pathway to success, including the sequence of units you should complete and the support services available.

Options for studying Accounting

Major and minor in Accounting

Accounting is available as Table A major and minor options in the Bachelor of Commerce and the Bachelor of Commerce combined degrees. 

The Accounting major and minor are also available to students not enrolled in a Commerce degree through the shared pool (Table S) - see the Interdisciplinary Studies Handbook for details.

Please note. Students cannot complete both a major and a minor in Accounting for their degree.

Students wishing to pursue professional accounting accreditation can complete the Professional Accounting program instead of the Accounting major – please refer to Accounting (Professional) subject area for details.

The requirements for a major and a minor in Accounting can be found in the Unit of study table.

Honours in Accounting

Honours study in Accounting is available to eligible students. For eligibility requirements and details of the admissions application process, students should refer to the Current Students Honours page.

The units of study required for Honours in Accounting can be found in the Honours unit of study table.

Major learning outcomes

On successful completion of the Accounting major students will be able to:

Major learning outcome 
1. Use accounting systems and processes to produce business entity reports.
2. Appropriately apply accounting and regulatory requirements to produce accounting reports and financial statements.
3. Use budgets, costing and cost control, business planning, internal control, and performance management to inform management decision-making.
4. Apply contemporary audit practice within regulatory requirements in order to validate published financial reports and to inform shareholders and stakeholders.
5. Provide accurate technical tax advice to clients and produce the required written documentation.
6. Analyse and interpret commercial, economic and business information to develop solutions and responses to business problems and challenges.
7. Identify the risks and implications of misstatement, both financial and non-financial facing, in business evaluation.
8. Communicate persuasively both orally and in written business reports and audit procedures.
9. Collaborate effectively with others in a professional business manner as team members and leaders and in interactions with clients.
10. Apply ethical decision-making criteria and sustainability considerations as part of management accounting expertise in a broad business context.

Further information

For further information regarding study in accounting at the University of Sydney, please refer to the Study accounting page.