This page was first published on 14 November 2024 and was last amended on 21 November 2024. View details of the changes below. |
Unit of study | Credit points | A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites C: Corequisites N: Prohibition |
OLET1115 (Im)Politeness in Global Society |
2 |
OLET1101 Aboriginal Sydney |
2 |
OLET1603 Analysing and Plotting Data: Python |
2 |
OLET1601 Analysing and Plotting Data: R |
2 |
N ENVX1002 or LWSC2002 or AFNR5512 or STAT5003 or MATH1005 or MATH1905 or MATH1015 or OLET1603 |
OLET1634 Anxiety and its Disorders |
2 |
OLET1640 Astronomy: from Big Bang to Darkness |
2 |
N PHYS1500 |
OLET1636 Astronomy: from Earth to Exoplanets |
2 |
N PHYS1500 |
OLET1638 Astronomy: from Stars to Black Holes |
2 |
N PHYS1500 |
OLET1137 Australian Perspectives: Rugby League |
2 |
OLET1307 Beginner Programming for Data Analysis |
2 |
N INFO1903 or DATA1002 or DATA1902 or INFO1110 or INFO1910 or INFO1113 or ENGG1810 |
OLET1678 Boutique Brewing |
2 |
OLET1203 Business Entrepreneurship: Bootstrap Finance |
2 |
OLET1201 Business Entrepreneurship: Business Models |
2 |
OLET1202 Business Entrepreneurship: Guerrilla Tactics |
2 |
OLET1205 Business Ethics: Interactive Cases |
2 |
OLET1305 Coding Literacy |
2 |
OLET5706 Collaboration in Complex Environments |
2 |
OLET1605 Communication in STEM |
2 |
OLET1231 Community Engagement for Change |
2 |
OLET5702 Complex Problem-Solving |
2 |
OLET2314 Complexity: Agent-based Modelling |
2 |
This OLE requires no prior exposure to complex systems. The aim of this unit is to introduce students to complex systems understanding, inherently drawn from across disciplines, through building on basis concepts of complex systems science and engineering. |
OLET1901 Creating Powerful Presentations |
2 | |
OLET5704 Creative Thinking and Innovation |
2 |
OLET1208 Cryptocurrency Markets and Investments |
2 |
OLET1103 Cultural Competence: Fundamentals |
2 |
OLET1607 Cultural Competence in Natural Science |
2 |
N AVBS4003 |
OLET2133 Culture and Urban Environmental Design |
2 |
OLET1105 Cultures of Food: Europe |
2 |
OLET1618 Data Science in Astronomy: Algorithms |
2 |
A Students should have strong programming skills in Python 3, with a good understanding of loops, decisions and user-defined functions |
OLET1620 Data Science in Astronomy: Analysis |
2 |
A Students should have strong programming skills in Python 3, with a good understanding of loops, decisions and user-defined functions |
OLES2617 Design Your Future |
6 |
OLET1668 Developing Your Emotional Intelligence |
2 |
OLET1803 Digital Communication: Sound |
2 |
OLET1135 Disability Awareness and Inclusivity |
2 |
OLET2107 Drug Wars |
2 |