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Fundamentals of Immunotherapy

Sydney Professional Certificate

Graduates of this Professional Certificate will have specialised knowledge in the Fundamentals of Immunotherapy.

Graduates will be able to:

  • Appraise and summarise the research literature in immunity
  • Explain and analyse current concepts and challenges in immunology
  • Explain the role of immunotherapy in care
  • Demonstrate laboratory methods and techniques used in clinical immunology
  • Discuss recent advances in immunotherapies including vaccines and monoclonal antibody therapy.

Sydney Professional Certificate in Fundamentals of Immunotherapy

Admission requirements:
(a) Bachelor degree, or
(b) Equivalent professional experience in immunology or related field.
Students must complete:
(a) 12 credit points of 5000-level units of study
Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites
C: Corequisites N: Prohibition

5000-level units of study

Principles in Immunology
6 A Undergraduate immunology and undergraduate bacteriology and virology
Clinical Immunology and Immunotherapy
6 A Understanding of basic biochemistry and cell biology