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Discrete Mathematics and Algorithms

Mathematics prerequisites and Mathematics Learning Support

In 2024, some mathematics prerequisites  for undergraduate students commencing in Semester 1 2025 were removed.

It has been identified that this curriculum component (Program, Major or Minor) has been affected. To ensure success, make sure you are aware of the required level of mathematics (assumed knowledge) for this curriculum component. Visit the mathematics learning support webpage, to understand your pathway to success, including the sequence of units you should complete and the support services available.

About the major

The major in Discrete Mathematics and Algorithms gives students substantial competency in computing and areas of mathematics that are most closely associated with computation. These areas are devoted to discrete structures and discrete methods, which stress the finite or countable nature inherent in many problems arising both in mathematics as well as in its applications. Notable examples include number theory, cryptography, computer algorithms, operations research, deep learning and large language models.

Students will acquire analytical and technical skills in both computing and mathematics. This includes software engineering, combinatorial analysis, formal proof and algorithmic analysis. Students will be able to both analyse and solve problems in an abstract sense, and they will be able to realise solutions through computer software. These abilities are highly valued in both industry and academia.

Graduate opportunities

Graduates with analytical and technical skills in both mathematics and computing are in demand in many areas, especially in business associated with financial services and information technology. They are needed in almost all scientific, medical, technological, and industrial research. With a major in Discrete Mathematics and Algorithms, you could be employed in a wide range of major corporations and in the public sector, where your skills are essential for policy planning. Even in areas where specific mathematical knowledge is not directly relevant, mathematics and computing graduates are highly valued by many employers for their mental discipline and thoroughness.

Requirements for completion

The Discrete Mathematics and Algorithms major and minor requirements are listed in the Discrete Mathematics and Algorithms unit of study table.

Contact and further information

School of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Sydney NSW 2006

Learning outcomes

Students who graduate from Anatomy and Histology will be able to:

No. Learning outcome
1 Demonstrate a broad and coherent body of knowledge of discrete mathematical structures and their applications in mathematics and computer science, and apply an integrated understanding of these concepts to solve relevant problems. 
2 Demonstrate a broad and coherent body of knowledge of theoretical computer science with an emphasis on algorithms, and apply an integrated understanding of these concepts to solve relevant problems. 
3 Construct logical, clearly presented and justified arguments incorporating inductive reasoning.
4 Evaluate the correctness and efficiency of algorithms, both standard and novel, and communicate the evaluation effectively. 
5 Analyse problems in an abstract sense and realise solutions through computer software.
6 Communicate concepts and findings in mathematics and computer science through a range of modes for a variety of purposes and audiences, using evidence-based arguments that are robust to critique. 
7 Solve practical and abstract problems in mathematics using a range of concepts, techniques and technologies, working professionally, ethically and responsibly and with consideration of social and cultural perspectives, as individuals or as part of collaborative, interdisciplinary teams.