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Mathematical Sciences

This page was first published on 14 November 2024 and was last amended on 09 January 2025.
View details of the changes below.

Course overview

In our increasingly technological world, the study of mathematics is vital to future developments and discoveries. A strong foundation in this area will enable you to apply logic and quantitative reasoning to a vast array of situations, changing the way you think about your surroundings and how things work.

The Master of Mathematical Sciences course is designed to give you thorough internationally competitive training in mathematics, allowing you to work in areas like science, finance, engineering, medicine or technology. It will also assist you if you wish to transition from undergraduate studies to research in mathematical sciences.
Students may specialise in a diverse range of subjects in applied or pure mathematics, financial mathematics, statistics, and data science.

Study may be taken either full-time or part-time. Students who have completed relevant prior learning at an equivalent level may be given up to 24 credit points advanced standing. The course is 96 credit points total, 24 of which is comprised of a research project and thesis supervised by faculty from the School of Mathematics and Statistics.
Undergraduate students from the University of Sydney wishing to undertake the Master of Mathematical Sciences are expected to have studied a major in either mathematics, statistics, financial mathematics and statistics, or data science as part of their undergraduate degree.

Contact and further information

Student enquiries:
Program Coordinator: Dr Tiangang Cui

Course resolutions

The course resolutions detailed in this page apply to all courses included in the table below under section 1 (course codes).

These resolutions must be read in conjunction with applicable University By-laws, Rules and policies including (but not limited to) the University of Sydney (Coursework) Rule 2014 (the 'Coursework Rule'), the Coursework Policy 2021 (the 'Coursework Policy'), the Learning and Teaching Policy 2019, the Resolutions of the Faculty, University of Sydney (Student Academic Appeals) Rule 2021, the Academic Integrity Policy 2022 and the Academic Integrity Procedures 2022. Current versions of all policies are available from the Policy Register:

1 Course codes

Code Course title
GCMATHSC-01 Graduate Certificate in Mathematical Sciences
GNMATHSC-01 Graduate Diploma in Mathematical Sciences
MAMATHEM-01 Master of Mathematical Sciences

2 Attendance pattern

The attendance pattern for these courses is full time or part time according to candidate choice.

3 Master's type

The masters degree in these resolutions is an Advanced Learning Masters course, as defined by the Coursework Policy.

4 Embedded courses in this sequence

(1) The embedded courses in this sequence are:

(a) Graduate Certificate in Mathematical Sciences

(b) Graduate Diploma in Mathematical Sciences

(c) Master of Mathematical Sciences

5 Admission to candidature

(1) With approval of the Dean, available places in the Master of Mathematical Sciences will be offered to qualified applicants according to the following admissions criteria. In exceptional circumstances the Dean may admit applicants without these qualifications who, in the opinion of the faculty, have qualifications and evidence of experience and achievement sufficient to successfully undertake the award.

(2) Admission to the Master of Mathematical Sciences requires:

(a) A bachelor’s degree, or an equivalent qualification, including completion of at least 24 credit points of mathematical sciences units at 3000-level with at least a distinction average over these mathematical sciences units, and

(b) Satisfaction of English language requirements.

(3) Admission to the Graduate Certificate or Graduate Diploma is available only by transfer from the Master of Mathematical Sciences with approval of the Dean or Associate Dean.

6 Requirements for award

(1) The units of study that may be taken for the course are set out in the postgraduate table of units of study for the Mathematics subject area.

(2) To qualify for the award of Master of Mathematical Sciences a candidate must complete 96 credit points including:

(a) No more than 24 credit points of 3000 level electives; and

(b) No more than 48 credit points of 4000 level electives; and

(c) At least 12 credit points of 5000 level electives; and

(d) 24 credit points of research core project units.

(3) To qualify for the award of Graduate Diploma, a candidate must complete 72 credit points including:

(a) No more than 24 credit points of 3000 level electives; and

(b) At least 24 credit points of electives at 4000 level or above, and

(c) 24 credit points of research core project units

(4) To qualify for the award of Graduate Certificate, a candidate must complete 48 credit points including

(a) No more than 24 credit points of 3000 level electives; and

(b) At least 24 credit points of electives at 4000 level or above.

7 Cross-institutional study

(1) Cross-institutional study and international exchange may be available by means of formal partnership agreements.

(2) In exceptional circumstances cross-institutional study to a maximum of 24 credit points may be available to candidates outside of formal partnership agreements, subject to prior approval by the Faculty.

8 Credit for previous study

(a) A candidate may be granted credit in recognition of prior learning. Candidates may be eligible for credit of up to 24 credit points for relevant subjects at the discretion of the Dean or Associate Dean.

(b) A candidate who has completed the Bachelor of Science as part of the Bachelor of Science/Master of Mathematical Sciences at The University of Sydney will receive a reduction in the volume of learning of a maximum of 24 credit points of 3000 level or above units from the Mathematical Sciences program.

(c) A candidate who has completed a Bachelor of Science (Honours) at The University of Sydney or equivalent qualification may be eligible to receive up to 48 credit points of advanced standing subject to the discretion of the Dean or Associate Dean.

(d) Notwithstanding any credit granted, in order to qualify for an award a student must complete at least 50 per cent of the course requirements whilst enrolled in the award course.

9 Course transfer

A candidate for the Master of Mathematical Sciences may elect to discontinue study and graduate with a shorter award from this embedded sequence, with the approval of the Faculty, and provided the requirements of the shorter award have been met.

Original publication
Post-publication amendment
09/01/2025 Program Coordinator published as:
Dr Oded Yacobi
Program Coordinator amended to:
Dr Tiangang Cui