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Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Dental Medicine

Foundational Knowledge unit of study table

Dental Medicine Foundational Knowledge Units

Students in the:
(a) Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Dental Medicine
Must complete:
(a) 6 credit points of foundational knowledge units of study for dentistry offered by the Faculty of Science, including
(b) one zero credit point unit


Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites
C: Corequisites N: Prohibition

Complete one of the following units:

Life and Evolution
6 A HSC Biology. Students who have not completed HSC Biology (or equivalent) are strongly advised to take the Biology Bridging Course (offered in February)
N BIOL1001 or BIOL1911 or BIOL1991 or BIOL1906 or BIOL1996
Life and Evolution (Advanced)
6 A 85 or above in HSC Biology or equivalent
N BIOL1001 or BIOL1911 or BIOL1991 or BIOL1006 or BIOL1996
Life and Evolution (SSP)
6 A 90 or above in HSC Biology or equivalent
N BIOL1001 or BIOL1911 or BIOL1991 or BIOL1006 or BIOL1906 or BIOL1993 or BIOL1998
From Molecules to Ecosystems
6 A HSC Biology. Students who have not completed HSC Biology (or equivalent) are strongly advised to take the Biology Bridging Course (offered in February)
N BIOL1907 or BIOL1997
From Molecules to Ecosystems (Advanced)
6 A 85 or above in HSC Biology or equivalent
N BIOL1007 or BIOL1997
From Molecules to Ecosystems (SSP)
6 A 90 or above in HSC Biology or equivalent
N BIOL1007 or BIOL1907
Human Biology
6 A HSC Biology. Students who have not completed HSC Biology (or equivalent) are strongly advised to take the Biology Bridging Course (offered in February)
N BIOL1003 or BIOL1903 or BIOL1993 or MEDS1001 or MEDS1901 or BIOL1908 or BIOL1998
Human Biology (Advanced)
6 A 85 or above in HSC Biology or equivalent
N BIOL1003 or BIOL1903 or BIOL1993 or MEDS1001 or MEDS1901 or BIOL1008 or BIOL1998
Human Biology (Special Studies Program)
6 A 90 or above in HSC Biology or equivalent
N BIOL1003 or BIOL1903 or BIOL1993 or BIOL1991 or BIOL1996 or MEDS1001 or MEDS1901 or BIOL1008 or BIOL1908

And the following zero-credit point unit:

Dentistry Elective
0 P 96 credit points