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About the Lambert Initiative

A focus on medical cannabis
Established as part of the Brain and Mind Centre, our vision is to conduct the high quality research required to discover, develop and optimise safe and effective cannabinoid therapeutics in Australia and beyond

The Lambert Initiative provides national and international leadership both in the science of medicinal cannabis and in the discovery and development of cannabis-based medicines.

Our activities extend from plant science and cannabinoid production, through cellular and preclinical pharmacology, to medicinal chemistry and drug discovery, including human laboratory studies and clinical trials.

We also act in an advocacy and educational capacity. We provide evidence and guidance for clinicians, consumers, health professionals and politicians about the potential of cannabinoid therapeutics. We also seek to influence regulatory approaches and public health policy.

We develop knowledge aimed at maximising the potential of cannabinoid medicines to treat a range of human diseases, particularly where there is currently an unmet need for novel treatments.

These conditions include, but are not limited to: