
Podcasts and videos

Recordings from Sydney Law School events
Catch up on our latest talks and be kept up-to-date on what's happening in law around the world.

Our latest events

Ross Parsons Corporations Law Lecture 2024: The significant origins of the modern corporation (9 October)

Ross Parsons Centre Law and Business seminar: Non-consensual third party releases in insolvency - lessons from the Purdue Pharma Case in the US Supreme Court (25 September)

Book launch | Research Methods in Private International Law: Educating the Next Generation of Conflicts Lawyers (23 September)

Re-imagining the laws of nature – storying rules of hyperconnected futures (2 July)

How Canada Chose Exile: The decision to banish Japanese Canadians, 1946 (3 May)

JSI Seminar | Dominium in the Age of Neurotechnologies: Who Is the Subject of Neurorights? (15 April)

Let's talk about confidentiality: panel event on NDA use in sexual harassment settlements (6 March)

Ross Parsons Centre Law and Business seminar | Insolvency and Restructuring Reform in Europe: The Italian Experience (14 March 2024)

2024 Paul Byrne Memorial Lecture: The Rule of Law in Modern Australia (28 February 2024)

Ross Parsons Centre Law and Business seminar | A Comparative Consideration of Insider Laws of United States and Australia (8 February 2024)

Explore recordings of our past events

Watch on YouTube: Sydney Law School Distinguished Alumni Series: In conversation with Law School alumna Georgia Dawson (2 December 2023)

Watch on YouTube: The 2023 Kim Santow law and social justice panel: Is there a looming crisis in social justice recruitment? (30 November 2023)

Watch on YouTube: Ross Parsons Centre Law and Business seminar | Navigating the Consumer Data Right: A Business Perspective (28 November 2023)

Watch on YouTube: Ross Parsons Centre Law and Business seminar | Comparing Australia’s insolvent trading regime with New Zealand’s reckless trading regime (8 November 2023)

Watch on YouTube: Children’s Rights and Participation in Youth Justice Systems: An International Perspective (25 October 2023)

Watch on YouTube: Comparative History of International Arbitration: Australia, Japan and Beyond (21 September 2023)

Watch on YouTube: The Modern Slavery Act Review: Can the law drive meaningful change? (13 October 2023)

This video contains information about modern slavery that some people may find confronting and distressing. If these responses are overwhelming, support is available here.

Watch on YouTube: Copyright and Generative AI: Professor Mattew Sag and Dr Daniela Simone (12 October 2023)

Watch on YouTube: Ross Parsons Centre Law and Business seminar | Law Reform & The PPSA: Why We Should Delete s 267 and Corporations Act s 588FL (3 October 2023)

Watch on YouTube: Ross Parsons Corporations Law Lecture 2023: The responsibility of shareholders (26 September 2023)

Watch on YouTube: Criminalising Children: Should we raise the age of criminal responsibility? (19 September 2023)

Watch on YouTube: Ross Parsons Centre Law and Business Seminar | Insolvency and Tax Debts: the special position of the ATO (29 August 2023)

Watch on YouTube: Julius Stone Address: What is political progress? (29 August)

Watch on YouTube: Book launch: Comparing Online Legal Education (3 August 2023)

Watch on YouTube: Private International Law and Voices of Children (1 June 2023)

Watch on YouTube: Ross Parsons Centre Law and Business seminar: The Parliamentary Joint Committee’s corporate insolvency inquiry (24 May 2023)

Watch on YouTube: Is sustainable finance nothing more than “woke capitalism”? (22 May 2023)

Watch on YouTube: Reflecting on 25 Years of the Young Offenders Act 1997 in NSW (3 May 2023)

Watch on YouTube: Stand-up, fight back: Defending protest in NSW (27 April 2023)

Watch on YouTube: The Voice Referendum - an information session (20 April 2023)

Watch on YouTube: In conversation with Elaine Pearson (19 April 2023)

Watch on YouTube: Ross Parsons Centre Law and Business seminar | Small business restructuring: The US experience (21 March 2023)

Watch on YouTube: The Ross Parsons Tax Lecture | Income Taxation: An Institution in Decay – Still (8 March 2023)

Watch on YouTube: Ross Parsons Centre Law and Business seminar | Development of the common law by analogy to statute (6 March 2023)

Watch on YouTube: Conflict-of-norms in the information society: national security and cross-border data flow (3 March 2023)

Watch on YouTube: Beyond Punishment Seminar: Transforming rehabilitation through digital technology (2 March 2023)

Watch on YouTube: Gender persecution: New frontiers in international criminal law (1 March 2023)

Watch on YouTube: SCIL Year in Review Panel: Russia's aggression in Ukraine (17 February 2023)

Watch on YouTube: Julius Stone Address: The Legal Experience of Injustice (8 December 2023)

Watch on YouTube: Kim Santow law and social justice panel: The promise and pitfalls of a marketised NDIS (1 December 2023)

Watch on YouTube: Building resilience in Australia's electricity infrastructure (10 November 2022)

Watch panel 1: Using the law to enhance resilience in the grid
Watch panel 2: Technologies for enhancing resilience
Watch panel 3: Planning for resilience in the future grid 2024 
Watch panel 4: Building community resilience to electricity infrastructure failures

Watch on YouTube: Wingarra Djuraliyin: Public Lecture on Indigenous Peoples and Law, First Law: A Climate Chance (8 November 2022)

Watch on YouTube: Theoretical Advances and Problems in the Sociology of Punishment, delivered by Professor David Garland (1 November 2022)

Watch on YouTube: In conversation with Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AC KC, Governor of NSW (5 October 2022)

Watch on YouTube: Repatriating Cultural Heritage: Conflict of Laws, Archaeology, and Indigenous Studies (21 September 2022)

Watch on YouTube: Book launch: Gender and International Criminal Law (7 September 2022)

Watch on YouTube: Ross Parsons Centre Law & Business seminar: SPACs, Direct Listings, and SEC Reform (26 July 2022)

Watch on YouTube: Book Launch: Dynamic and Principled - The Influence of Sir Anthony Mason (6 July 2022)

Watch on YouTube: International Insolvency Research Symposium: “Insolvency Current Issues” (12 and 14 July 2022) | Program

Watch on YouTube: 2022 Paul Byrne Memorial Lecture, delivered by Justice Peter Hamill (22 June 2022)

Watch on YouTube: Trust in Knowledge Talks - Launch Event (19 May 2022)

Watch on YouTube: Pandemic Policing: Sydney Institute of Criminology panel discussion (18 May 2022) 

Watch on YouTube: Legal Obligation of the Security Council’s mandate on the protection of civilians in UN peacekeeping operations (17 May 2022)

Watch on YouTube: Sharma: The future of climate litigation in Australia (13 May 2022) 

Watch on YouTube: Distinguished Alumni Series: In conversation with the Hon Andrew Bell, Chief Justice of NSW Supreme Court (4 May 2022) 

Watch on YouTube: Indo-Pacific Digital Trade and National Security: A China Context (28 April 2022)

Watch on YouTube: The Invasion of Ukraine: The Personal Cost – Refugees (13 April 2022) 

Watch on YouTube: Ross Parsons Centre Law & Business seminar: Central Bank Digital Currencies as a potential response to the financial inclusion challenges of the Pacific (5 April 2022) 

Watch on YouTube: The Invasion of Ukraine: Legal, Political and Personal Consequences (22 March 2022)

Watch on YouTube: Sydney Centre for International Law Year in Review Conference (25 February 2022) | View the program (PDF)

Watch on YouTube: Ross Parsons Centre Law & Business seminar: Reforming creditors’ schemes of arrangement: Lessons from the Netherlands (15 March 2022)

Watch on YouTube: Direct Jurisdiction in Asia (17 February 2022) 

Watch on YouTube: Asia-Pacific Online Legal Education Before and After the COVID-19 Pandemic (1 February 2022) 

Watch on YouTube: Neurotechnology, Criminal Law and Human Rights: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (14 December 2021) Program

Watch on YouTube: ACCEL 2021 Distinguished Speaker Address – Can climate litigation save the planet?: the role of climate attribution science (9 December 2021)

Watch on YouTube: Ross Parsons Centre Law & Business seminar: Vaccine mandates and public health orders: legal and ethical issues for business (9 December 2021)

Watch on YouTube: How Private International Law Can Make the UN Sustainable Development Goals a Reality (23 November 2021)

Watch on YouTube: Ross Parsons Centre Law & Business Seminar: Recent cases in banking and finance law (1 December 2021) 

Watch on YouTube: Ross Parsons Centre Law & Business Seminar: Common mistakes in using national uniform legislation (25 November 2021)

Watch on YouTube: The Hague Judgments Convention and Commonwealth Model Law – A Conversation With Dr. Abubakri Yekini (11 November 2021) 

Watch on The University of Sydney's YouTube: Public Lecture on Indigenous Peoples and Law: ‘Indigenous Women, Outlaw Culture and the Law’,  delivered by Associate Professor Nicole Watson (3 November 2021) 

Watch on YouTube: Cross-border flow of personal data: globalized Internet and fragmented (inter)national regulations (22 October 2021) 

Watch on YouTube: Climate extremes on the road to Glasgow (18 October 2021) 

Watch on YouTube: Private International Law and Intellectual Property: the ILA Kyoto Guidelines (15 October 2021)

Watch on YouTube: Ross Parsons Centre Law & Business seminar: The New Small Business Debtor in Possession Regime – Can it be made to work? (13 October 2021)

Watch on The Matilda Centre's YouTube: Addressing mental health and substance use in the youth justice setting (29 September 2021)

Watch on YouTube: Unilateralism in (International) Economic Law: The Case of Special Economic Zones (8 September 2021)

Watch on YouTube: JSI Seminar: Expertise for the End of History: The Rise of Comparative Constitutional Law in the 1990s (2 September 2021)

Watch on YouTube: Pandemic Pressure Points: Economics, Governance and Society in Japan (25 August 2021) 

Read the Japanese Law and the Asia-Pacific blog about the webinar. 

Watch on YouTube: Beyond Punishment Seminar Series: The Role of Victims in the Criminal Justice System: Participants or Observers? (17 August 2021) 

Watch on YouTube: Australian Criminal Legal Scholarship – Past, Present and Future (29 July 2021)

Watch on YouTube: Covid-19 in Asia: Law and Policy Contexts - China, Japan, Indonesia, and Malaysia in focus (27 May 2021)

Watch on YouTube: Julius Stone Address 2021: Can the People be Sovereign? (6 May 2021)

Watch on YouTube: Ross Parsons Centre Law & Business seminar: Re-examining India’s insolvency regime under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (3 May 2021)

Watch on Vimeo recorded by Insight Exchange: In Conversation with Distinguished University Professor and Professor of Law (Emerita) Julie Macfarlane (28 July 2021)

Watch on Youtube: COVID-19, Criminal Justice and Carceralism: Launch of COVID Special Issue of Current Issues in Criminal Justice (29 April 2021)

Watch on YouTube: Law & Business seminar: Does Australia need a treating customers fairly (TCF) regime for the financial industry? (31 March 2021) 

Watch on YouTube: Sydney Centre for International Law (SCIL): Year in review conference (26 February 2021)

View the program (PDF) 

Watch on YouTube: Law & Business seminar: Recent cases on PPSA fundamentals (15 March 2021)

Watch on YouTube: Asia-Pacific Commercial Dispute Resolution in the Aftermath of the Pandemic (12 March 2021) 

Watch on YouTube: Book Launch of The Vanishing Criminal, by Don Weatherburn and Sara Rahman (17 February 2021)

Australian Equality and Law Forum 2021 (26 November 2020) View the program (PDF)

Watch on YouTube: Singapore’s insolvency reforms (25 November 2020) 

Watch on YouTube: SME Restructuring and Insolvency (24 November 2020)

Listen to Protest in a time of pandemic on the School of Social and Political Sciences SoundCloud.

Watch on YouTube: Judicial oversight of insolvency practitioner discretions (12 November)

Watch the webinar: "The Future of Law Reform - Defamation" (produced by Wolters Kluwer, CCH. Link will expire after 6 months.) (27 July 2020)
Watch on YouTube: "National Security Law of Hong Kong: Legal and Social Implications" (head to the China Studies Centre podcast page) (23 July 2020)

Watch YouTube: "Law & Business seminar: Boards and AI" (16 June 2020)

Watch YouTube: "Law & Business seminar: Funds held on trust and the PPSA: A discussion of the decision in Dalian [2020] WASC 132" (19 May 2020)

Listen on SoundCloud: "Queer Law in Emotional Times" (4 March 2020)

Watch on YouTube: "Ross Parsons Corporate Lecture: The purpose of the corporation redefined: Recent developments in Australia and the US" (2 March 2020)

Listen on SoundCloud: "Building safer communities - current and future trends" (24 February 2020)

Watch YouTube: "Law & Business seminar: Blockchain and company law: An EU perspective" (3 December 2019)

Listen on SoundCloud: "Future crime problems and security solutions - How to anticipate them and what to do about them" (25 November 2019)

Listen on SoundCloud: "Can we eliminate crime?" (4 November 2019)

Watch on YouTube: "Law & Business seminar: Insolvency and restructuring law reform in Spain" (30 September 2019)

Listen on SoundCloud: "Beyond Punishment Seminar Series 2019: Benefits of community based correctional orders" (24 September 2019)

Watch on YouTube: "Law & Business seminar: Trusts and insolvency in the High Court: The Carter Hold Case" (19 August 2019)

Listen on SoundCloud: "Social Justice Series: Law and social movements" (14 August 2019)

Listen on SoundCloud: "2019 Australian Centre for Climate and Environmental Law Distinguished Speakers' Address: Power blackouts and climate justice: What are the solutions?" (7 August 2019)

Listen on SoundCloud: "Social Justice Series: Using the law as a tool for social and climate justice" (24 July 2019)

View the program and listen to the recordings on SoundCloud: "Children, migration and the right to health conference" (25-26 July 2019)

Listen on SoundCloud: "The UNCITRAL Model Law on cross-border insolvency: Neither a law nor much of a model" (9 July 2019)

Watch on YouTube: Law & Business seminar: "Extensions of time to register on the PPSR: Recent cases and commentary" (29 May 2019)

Listen on SoundCloud: "Where are the Italian mafias in Italy and abroad?" (28 May 2019)

Listen on SoundCloud: "Beyond Punishment Seminar Series 2019: Aboriginal women in the criminal justice network" (23 May 2019)

Listen on SoundCloud: "Disaster in the Murray Darling Basin: Explanations and consequences" (9 May 2019)

Listen on SoundCloud: "George Winterton Memorial Lecture: The mysteries of judicial power: Defining the relationship between law and power in the modern state" (14 February 2019)

  • Speaker: The Honourable Thomas Frederick Bathurst AC, 17th Chief Justice of New South Wales

Listen on SoundCloud: "Matt Laffan Memorial Address on Social Justice: Toeknism doesn't enable us to live our fullest lives" (27 February 2019)

  • Speaker: Carly Findlay, writer and appearance activist

Listen on SoundCloud: "Manslaughter by gross negligence, or systemic failure? Implications of the Dr Hadiza Bawa-Garba case" (8 November 2018)

  • Speaker: Professor Ian Freckelton QC

Listen on SoundCloud: "Protecting children from unhealthy food marketing: Learning from the past, ideas for the future" (7 November 2018)

Listen on SoundCloud: "2018 Paul Byrne Memorial Lecture: Our First Nations People in custody: A national disgrace" (24 October 2018)

  • Speaker: Phillip Boulten SC, Forbes Chambers

Listen on SoundCloud: "Public health law and health leadership in the United States: What can Australia learn?" (19 July 2018)

Listen on SoundCloud: "2018 Kevin McCann Energy & Resources Lecture: Oil and gas development in new frontiers: Implications for the Antarctic" (7 June 2018)

  • Speaker: Professor Tina Hunter, University of Aberdeen

Listen on SoundCloud: "2018 Prize Giving Ceremony: student address delivered by University Medallist for Law, Zubin Bilimoria" (31 May 2018)

Listen on SoundCloud: "The role of sovereignty in Indigenous child welfare" (18 April 2018)

  • Speaker: Professor Marcia Zug, University of South Carolina 

Listen on SoundCloud: "Percy Valentine Storkey - the Sydney law student who won a Victoria Cross" (11 April 2018)

Listen on SoundCloud: "Distinguished Speaker Lecture: Sticky Citizenship" (15 March 2018)

  • Speaker: Professor Audrey Macklin, University of Toronto