News archive

Articles published in 2015

19 November 2015

Why we need evidence for alternative medicines for weight loss

As Australia's fastest growing group of medications, we urgently need to investigate the use of complementary medicines for weight loss, argues Dr Nicholas Fuller.

19 November 2015

Forming planet observed for first time

Scientists from the University of Sydney and the United States have captured the first-ever images of a planet in the making.

18 November 2015

Freedom Ride named NSW Best Community Event

The 50th anniversary re-enactment of one of Australia's most significant civil rights events has been recognised among Australia's best events.

18 November 2015

Coming to Australia: Rare travel artefacts on display

A unique collection of travel diaries, journals and paintings from colonial journeys to Australia, some dating back almost 200 years, is on display for the first time at the University of Sydney. 

17 November 2015

Reluctance to blame Islamic State for Paris attacks plays into its hand

The hypocrisy of the West is not to blame for terrorist attacks but thinking that way strengthens Islamic State's hold on the narrative, writes Hussain Nadim.

17 November 2015

Scholarship recipient plans to help Pacific nations develop

Samantha Cook, a lawyer specialising in cross-border and international business transactions, has been awarded the $60,000 BOSS Emerging Leaders MBA Scholarship.

17 November 2015

The West should let the Middle East settle its own differences

Fighting endless wars in a vast region deeply hostile to western military interventions is surely the wrong way to proceed, argues Tom Switzer.

17 November 2015

Paris climate talks could be a light in the darkness of terror

One perverse consequence of the Paris attacks might be to provide more incentive for unity and agreement at the Paris climate change conference, argues Adjunct Professor Nick Rowley.

17 November 2015

New board appointments drive John Grill Centre's vision forward

The University of Sydney is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr Ken Henry AC and Bob Rollinson as new members of the John Grill Centre for Project Leadership's advisory board.

16 November 2015

War comes home

The unfolding state of emergency in Paris will have lasting effects for the rest of the world, argues Professor John Keane.

16 November 2015

Industry scouts for digital disrupters at graduate show

A growing number of leading Australian companies are supporting the University of Sydney's annual Design Lab graduate show to find and nurture the brightest emerging talent for the new era of digital disruption.

14 November 2015

Gift empowers research linking oral health and chronic diseases

A $3.6 million donation to the University of Sydney has been the stimulus for a bold plan to establish a $20 million world-class research centre spearheading research, policy, advocacy and education initiatives to prevent and reduce chronic diseases caused by poor oral health.

14 November 2015

University of Sydney fundraising campaign reaches $600 million target two years early

INSPIRED - the campaign to support the University of Sydney has reached its goal of $600 million, two years ahead of schedule. 

13 November 2015

Eight challenges for the G20 Leaders' Summit

Experts from across the University of Sydney weigh in on the most pressing issues facing the G20 Leaders' Summit to be held in Antalya, Turkey, on 15-16 November.
13 November 2015

Unis join forces on mental health, addiction and neuroscience research

The University of Sydney and UNSW Australia have announced an historic medical research partnership to help tackle two of the biggest challenges of our time - mental illness and addiction.

13 November 2015

Dog blood bank opens to meet demand

The Sydney Veterinary Teaching Hospital has established a canine blood bank to meet demand for life-saving transfusions. With availability affected by the closure of a substantial blood bank at the University of Melbourne, the need to establish a local program became a priority.

13 November 2015

New director for the China Studies Centre

The University of Sydney has appointed Professor Jeffrey Riegel as the interim director of the China Studies Centre.

13 November 2015

Brain cancer experts crowdsource a cure for deadly glioblastoma

Leading clinicians and researchers are plotting to disrupt a deadly brain cancer.

12 November 2015

Big Tobacco: 'Of all the concerns, there is one - taxation - which alarms us the most'

Despite popular cynicism, tax increases are instrumental in reducing smoking rates, argues Professor Simon Chapman.

12 November 2015

We will find a way to predict the spread of disease

Software 'agents' modelled on real-life individuals will be used by University of Sydney researchers to develop high-precision computer models that can predict where or when an epidemic may strike.