Research Supervisor Connect

Emotional Wellbeing in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)


This project will design, implement and evaluate a mixed mode (individual and group) psychological intervention to improve emotional wellbeing in older adults who have COPD


Dr Brett Toelle.

Research location

Camperdown - Woolcock Institute of Medical Research

Program type



This project will develop, implement and evaluate a brief intervention to improve the emotional wellbeing of adults who have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Although, the emotional wellbeing of adults who have COPD is recognised as an important comorbidity there are limited programs that have been developed to address emotional wellbeing and that are scalable within the Australian healthcare system and that have been evaluated for their impact on both respiratory and mental health.The brief intervention will be based on a successful psychoeducation program being run for adults with insomnia who attend the Woolcock Clinic. The program will consist of a mix of 2 individual sessions and 2 group sessions to address cognitive, behavioural and mindfulness approaches to improve emotional wellbeing. A total of 30 participants will be recruited to the study and before and after measures of emotional wellbeing, respiratory outcomes and process outcomes will be collected.

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Opportunity ID

The opportunity ID for this research opportunity is 2668

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