Research Supervisor Connect

Pharmacy Services to Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) populations


It is recognised that people and patients of culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities, including indigenous communities, endure a less than ideal quality of healthcare in countries around the world due to multifactorial causes, some of which can be preventable or addressed. This domain of studies focusses on how pharmacists can assist CALD communities with tailored services to receive enhanced quality of pharmacy services.


Associate Professor Betty Chaar.

Research location

Sydney Pharmacy School

Program type



Research in this domain incorporates many topics, such as exploring pharmacy services for patients of CALD backgrounds suffering from asthma, cardiovascular monitoring, diabetes monitoring, aged care and cancer pain relief; and there is still a vital need for more studies highlighting the needs of these communities. Pharmacists can offer tailored services such as translated prescription labels, monitoring, translated consumer information, tailored counseling, telephone reminder messaging, and other contemporary solutions to patients' needs.
Typically, studies propose an intervention such as a tailored pharmacy service which is designed, assessed, and evaluated for a pilot (trial run). Evaluation can be qualitative in the form of consumer satisfaction, but also in terms of efficacy of the intervention, which can be tested in terms of specific outcomes and measures of health enhancement. If promising, the intervention is trialed on a larger sample to establish significance and possible implementation in pharmacy practice. On occasion the research also informs the development of meaningful guidelines and standards of practice.

Additional information

If you are interested in conducting research exploring any aspect of pharmacy practice and professionalism, whether in Australia or overseas, please feel free to contact Dr Chaar.

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Opportunity ID

The opportunity ID for this research opportunity is 2970

Other opportunities with Associate Professor Betty Chaar