This study aims to evaluate the implementation and adaptation of a text message program called EMPOWER-SMS into Breast Cancer Network Australia’s services to support the health and wellness of people diagnosed with breast cancer across Australia.
The EMPOWER-SMS program was co-designed with extensive input from people diagnosed with breast cancer, health care professionals and researchers. It was designed to deliver advice about staying well and weblinks to free resources. EMPOWER-SMS has been pilot tested in a clinical trial and a community-based implementation study, which involved more than 1000 people with a breast cancer diagnosis from socioeconomically diverse backgrounds. Participants found EMPOWER-SMS to be useful, acceptable, and motivating for health management.
As an exciting next step, EMPOWER-SMS will be integrated into Breast Cancer Network Australia’s (BCNA) helpline services to deliver accessible support to priority populations, including people in regional, rural, and remote locations. In addition, EMPOWER-SMS will be adapted for specific priority population groups such as First Nations people and people with metastatic breast cancer. For this project, you will lead a mixed-methods evaluation of this implementation. Key tasks you will be responsible for include:
You will be supported to apply for a PhD scholarship. To apply for this opportunity, you will:
Research location: Camperdown campus (Moore College) and/or virtual at the Daffodil Centre, a joint venture between the University of Sydney and Cancer Council NSW. Working arrangements are flexible.
Lead Suoervisor: Dr Anna Singleton
Co-supervisors: Dr Andrea Smith and A/Prof Ben Smith
The opportunity ID for this research opportunity is 3556