Research Supervisor Connect

Use of technology to deliver evidence-based care of low back pain


This program of research will investigate the effectiveness of different technology-based interventions to improve care of low back pain.


Associate Professor Manuela Ferreira.

Research location

North Shore - Institute of Bone and Joint Research

Program type



Low back pain affects ΒΌ of Australians and is the number one cause of disability worldwide. However, traditional models of care for low back pain are highly dependent on a hierarchical system of clinicians delivering passive (e.g. medication, injections) treatments, and resulting in patients being disengaged from their self-management, Innovative models are needed, so that patients can have equitable access to effective treatment that empowers them to manage their low back pain. We have developed a program of research to evaluate the use of technology-based interventions to increase access and optimise delivery of evidence-based care for patients with low back pain.

The PhD students will be working on the development and evaluation of mobile-health interventions for low back pain. They will also be involved in assessing the effectiveness of health coaching interventions delivered via tele-health for people with low back pain.

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Opportunity ID

The opportunity ID for this research opportunity is 2326