Platter of various foods including fruits, vegetables, cheese and meats

Food for health

Improving human health and wellbeing in the agrifood industry
We’re exploring the knowledge and platform technology needed by the agrifood industry to produce safe and sustainable food products and processes that have a positive impact on society.

Our research centres around the realms of nutrition, nutraceuticals, and microbiome investigations. Our primary goal is to tackle the escalating global burden of chronic and non-communicable diseases, primarily stemming from inadequate diets, including cardiovascular issues, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and certain forms of cancer.

Our projects operate at the crossroads of food engineering and medicine, specifically concentrating on the creation of novel nutritional foods and their potential positive impacts on health. We delve into the intricacies of digestion processes and their effects on the human microbiome.

This thematic area's expansiveness enables the integration of a network of teams, fostering a multidisciplinary approach to both product development and the validation of health-related claims.

Our objectives

  • Uncovering the health advantages of active compounds derived from diverse food sources.
  • Exploring the role of carbohydrates in influencing the gut microbiome.
  • Employing computational and laboratory models to understand interactions between diet, the host, and gut microbes. This involves tailoring gut processes through targeted dietary interventions on an individual basis.