Research Supervisor Connect

International Political Economy


My research interests are primarily focussed on the role of transnational economic actors, particularly multinational corporations, and the interaction between them and states, international organisations and civil society. I take a comparative institutionalist perspective to the way in which economic actors are regulated, or exercise private authority, especially in respect of the social and environmental impacts of their instrumentally-motivated actions. My previous research is on the international car industry, applying a comparative capitalism approach to analyse the actions it is/is not taking in respect of the environmental impacts of its products. I have also undertaken extensive collaborative and inter-disciplinary research on liberal capitalism and technological innovation for climate change mitigation, as well as global corporate power.


Associate Professor John Mikler.

Research location

Government and International Relations, School of Social and Political Sciences (SSPS)


Research interests

  • International Political Economy
  • Comparative Political Economy
  • Multinational Corporations
  • Climate Change
  • Business-Government Relations
  • Private Authority
  • State Sovereignty
  • Globalisation

Additional information

1. If you are interested in this research opportunity, you are encouraged to email the academic directly.  To find the academic’s email address, follow the link provided to their profile page.  Introduce yourself and provide some academic background. You may be asked for an academic transcript. Explain why you are interested in your area of research and, if appropriate, why you are interested in working with the recipient.

2. Write an initial research proposal.  (Refer to How to write a research proposal for guidance.)  In no more than 2000 words demonstrate how your research experience aligns with the supervisor’s and why you’re interested in this opportunity.

3. If you would like general advice in your subject area before submitting an application, contact an academic advisor listed here:


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Opportunity ID

The opportunity ID for this research opportunity is 3212