Results that match 1 of 2 words


Warren Roberts on talking, yarning and deadly collaborations

6 January 2023 -
By Warren Roberts, founder of Yarn Australia, and Kate Johnston, postdoctoral research fellow, Sydney Environment Institute. ... For this event, Aunty Jennifer Quinlin, Aunty Agnus Ware and Kate Jackson are collaborating with the chefs from USU.

From the emergency room to aged care the potential of HIRAID in healthcare

31 May 2024 -
Professor Kate Curtis discovered there needed to be a more comprehensive way for nurses to assess patients when they arrived in the emergency department (ED). ... Professor Kate Curtis. HIRAID. stands for History, Identify Red flags, Assessment,

Academics partner with industry and policy makers on new research

6 July 2021 -
Professor Kate Curtis, Principal Research Fellow, Sydney Nursing School. ... Professor Kate Curtis was awarded $1.49 million for an NHMRC Partnership Project to improve outcomes for the eight million patients that visit Australia’s 287 emergency

No Data About Us Without Us

4 August 2023 -
Data is increasingly used to direct services, secure funding and influence policy. However, for the disability community in Australia, access to high quality data is significantly lacking. This report captures the perspectives of 40 members of

Start end of life conversations sooner, say experts

Even though everyone recognises that they’re mortal, no one really thinks about it until something comes along to challenge that sense of immortality,” says palliative care nursing expert, Kate White

Dying re-imagined: designing a better way to die

10 December 2019 -
Most people in western countries die in institutional settings – in hospitals, hospices and nursing homes,” says the University Sydney’s Professor of Nursing, Kate White. ... Kate White is one of three palliative experts who will speak at the Dying

Maths, AI and intuition

Friday March 18, 2022
Delve into the surprising ways that artificial intelligence can enhance our human intuition with esteemed Australian mathematician Professor Geordie Williamson and MC Adam Spencer.

Announcing the 2023 Eureka Prize finalists

21 July 2023 -
University of Technology Sydney Eureka Prize for Outstanding Mentor of Young Researchers: Professor Kate Jolliffe. ... With three decades of experience in her field, Professor Kate Jolliffe, from the School of Chemistry in the Faculty of Science and