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A Q&A with Nalini Joshi

me. I was a small child with a big dream. I did a Bachelor of Science with honours at this University, before going on to complete a PhD in applied and ... Were you aware of these political realities when you were a child?

World Food Day: 7 steps towards #ZeroHunger

People at risk of food insecurity in Australia include:. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (22 percent, and 31 percent in remote areas). ... adults," says Professor Louise Baur AM, Professor and Head of Child and Adolescent Health

Saying sorry isn't enough for Indigenous children

Indigenous children were seven times as likely as non-Indigenous children to be receiving child protection services. ... Child welfare law and practice operates within a broader framework of social, political and legal affairs.

We shouldn't select refugees by religion

We shouldn't select refugees by religion. 22 September 2015. Australia runs the risk of denying protection to some of the most persecuted and vulnerable victims of the Syrian civil war ... The Syrian child Aylan Kurdi, although an ethnic Kurd, was also a

How to promote your baby’s healthy growth if you’re feeding with formula

If parents do have concerns, they should discuss these with a GP or maternal and child health nurse. ... 4. Phase out bottles by 12 months of age. Finally, it’s best to phase out bottles by the time a child is a year old.

5 reasons why the age of criminal responsibility should be raised

2. The younger the child enters the criminal justice system the more likely they will reoffend . ... Raising the age to 14 would bring Australia into line with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

What is the secret to being good at maths?

This allows the child to devote more of their cognitive resources towards higher-level understanding. ... In China, the television game show Super Brain attracted 22 million viewers in March as contestants battled to solve increasingly difficult

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: 'Hidden' problem is more pervasive than we thought

Everyone, it seems, gets a say in the alcohol debate except the unborn child. ... Elizabeth Elliott is professor of paediatrics and child health at Sydney Medical School and a consultant paediatrician at the Children's Hospitals Network (Westmead).

More technology doesn’t mean less inequality

In Thailand's 2011 election campaign, Yingluck Shinawatra promised to deliver the One Tablet Per Child scheme. ... The plan was to make 22 million Aakash Tablets available to students at a subsidised price of $35.

Thinking about getting your child the flu vaccine?

Why should I vaccinate my child? Young children catch and spread the flu more than any other age group. ... How do I vaccinate my child? Flu vaccines are expected to be widely available from mid April or early May.