
Sydney women talk gender equity

Annie is a postgraduate research student from the Faculty of Science. ... She is completing a Master of Philosophy by research on international cooperation in space, the challenges of space debris and militarisation.

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Celebrating women in STEMM

Celebrating women in STEMM. 8 March 2017. In celebrating International Women's Day we collect some of the amazing stories and achievements of our students, researchers and staff. ... This International Women’s Day asks Australians to #BeBoldForChange

10 women shaping the future of Sydney

International Women’s Day is celebrated annually across the world on 8 March, providing an opportunity for communities to recognise the achievements and leadership of women. ... To celebrate International Women’s Day, we reflect on the contributions

Virgin Australia on life support

international flying indefinitely should come as no surprise. ... Demand for domestic and short-haul international travel is likely to take at least three years to return to pre-COVID-19 levels, with the real chance it could be longer,”

Brexit: how can Australia secure the right trade deal?

An international trade expert has proposed a plan for Australia to secure a beneficial trade deal with the UK, as Brexit draws nearer.

International Women’s Day: origins, past and present

International Women’s Day: origins, past and present. 8 March 2019. Celebrating women for over 100 years. ... Image Credit: International Women’s Day rally, Melbourne, 1975, created by Australian Information Service, Canberra.

How universities came to rely on international students

International student fees at this stage were not a significant source of university income. ... International students, however, should not simply be measured by the fees they pay.

Wood is back as architecture goes beyond cement and steel for building

And no, fire isn't a deal breaker. Standing side-by-side in Sydney’s Barangaroo precinct are two new office buildings that are part of an international architectural revolution. ... But in terms of industry world best practice, Evans’ Barangaroo

Experts respond to Australia’s results in PIRLS literacy study

Experts respond to PIRLS literacy study. 5 December 2017. University of Sydney experts have commented on the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) and suggested ways to help young Australians ... Image: iStock. Literacy experts from

What you should and shouldn’t do if you’re in coronavirus self-isolation

Associate Professor Adam Kamradt Scott, from the University of Sydney's Department of Government and International Relations, specialises in global health security and international relations.