
Home ownership: facts and fiction

So there are inherent supply constraints there that provide a natural floor to the housing market. ... And hopefully as well, that a portion of them can be rented as affordable rental products as well.

Food for thought: the science of eating a healthy diet

And that’s a diet which, again, is low in processed foods and high in fruits and vegetables and natural oils, it’s got a balance of a variety of different ... products that have an influence on your brain and the whole of your body.

How insects are solving our problems in the city

from things we learn about the natural world and put it on human systems. ... Dr Tanya Latty: Well that. that part happens all the time so there's lots of times when I'm watching a natural system and I go ahh.

Wood is back as architecture goes beyond cement and steel for building

We want to bring our cities more into a natural cycle with the environment.”. ... The factory uses only farmed softwood from nearby forests and it glues the relatively short and thin pieces of timber into a cross-layered and super-strong product.

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6 things you didn’t know about sugar

distract from the harms of its products says Professor Lisa Bero. ... Using tactics similar to the tobacco industry, the sugar industry has influenced the research agenda on sugar in order to distract from the harms of its products,” says Professor Bero

Women making an impact in STEMM

children. Why is gender equity important to you? Diverse teams are better at problem solving, make better decisions, and create better products, but diversity improves the entire ecosystem as well as

Australia isn’t doing enough to preserve biodiversity

On World Environment Day, two environmental law researchers reflect on the reasons for our diminishing natural bounty, and offer a way to save it. ... Also last year, a NSW Natural Resources Commission’s report revealed that land clearing had increased

The Big Sleep: what it is and how to get more

Chris Neff: Interesting. Ron Grunstein: I’m not selling the product because as I said it hasn’t been tested. ... So it could be that there’s a marketing industry that’s determined to try to tell us that we’re not sleeping as well, to sell us

How much is news worth to Google and Facebook?

Facebook also boasts of its investments in news via deals with publishers and new products such as Facebook News. ... Google likewise says it makes little money from news, while at the same time investing heavily in news products like News Showcase.