Virtual Lab Trouble-Shooter

Lab simulations to teach experimental trouble-shooting skills
These simulations allow users to experience the outcomes of making mistakes or good design/execution. Each session generates unique datasets consistent with the process followed, incorporating authentic systematic errors.
Screenshot of the software in action

Screenshot of the software in action

The simulations are especially useful for

  • running plagiarism free assignments
  • reflection by unpacking every user action through the activity log
  • allowing users to see the consequences of their decisions in real-time
  • allowing users to perform multiple iterations of the design/execution process
  • creating datasets for practice calculations and analysis
  • providing the quantity of data which is sufficient to allow users to judge the validity/impact of the experimental results

Our aims 

Our aim is to work with course coordinators to produce data-generators and simulators of their specific practical class experiments. 

The idea is NOT to simply explain or rehearse the steps in a process but to involve the user in the design of the set up, the organisation and choreography of the execution at the bench, the analysis of the data and, most importantly, discernment of the final results, judging the limitations of the technique and the extent to which particular conclusions can be drawn.

Our software

Virtual Glucose Assay

Users need to determine the blood ethanol concentration of six drivers using an assay adapted for a 24-well plate. 

In addition to the six blood samples, users are provided with a standard glucose solution (10 mM), a 'master mix' containing all the enzymes and reagents to develop the colour which will be read at the end of the incubation.

Users must:

  • plan what to add into each well
  • use the 'pipette' to dispense the chosen volumes into each well
  • keep track of what they have done
  • analyse the data obtained
  • show discernment and judgement in deciding which drivers are over the limit


Try the Virtual Glucose Assay online 

Virtual Glucose Assay walkthrough

Basic Liquid Handling

Users construct a standard curve using water and concentrated stock solution of bromophenol blue.

Several different pipette types, tubes and racks are available, and the made-up solutions are read using a 24-well plate.

The system is nuanced to mimic systematic and random errors in pipetting, as well as the concept of 'carry over' (the residue left in a tip after dispensing).  It also models the effects of mixing (or not).  A full log of all users actions is kept to aid reflection of the final results.

Users must:

  • plan how to make each dilution
  • use the correct pipette for each specific volume
  • mix the tubes correctly
  • understand when a fresh tip is desirable
  • construct the standard curve using the data obtained

Basic Liquid Handling walkthrough


If you wish to study or collaborate with this group, please contact: Gareth Denyer


Gareth Denyer

Professor of Biochemical Education
  • Room 774 Molecular Bioscience Building G08