Check your Semester 2 dates - teaching for most units will commence on Monday 24 August

Due to COVID-19, we've made changes to our Semester 2 2020 dates, including teaching, exams and study break periods. You may have units of study held in different sessions. For most students, your units will be held in either:

  • Semester 2 (session code S2C) – 24 August to 12 December
  • Semester 2 Early (session code S2CE) – 3 August to 28 November

Depending on your course, you may also have units held in other sessions. 

It is important you check the session code for each of your units through Sydney Student. Each session has different teaching dates and deadlines such as census date. Check our Study dates page for details on the different sessions and their dates.

Find out more about this decision on our COVID-19 information page.