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Student insurance

  1. Student insurance
  2. Insurance for work experience and placements

Insurance for work experience and placements

The University maintains a personal accident policy for all undergraduate and postgraduate students.

The policy provides cover while you are engaged in campus/course/University-related activities and/or practical placement or community placement activities. It covers necessary domestic direct travel to and from these activities.

An activity is covered where:

  • it is a course requirement or is sanctioned by the dean of the faculty, authorised officer for the faculty, or head of department
  • you are not an employee or work for the organisation you are placed with, for the purposes of Workers' Compensation legislation.

In summary the policy covers:

  • death and capital benefits
  • weekly injury benefits
  • home tutorial benefit
  • injury assistance benefit
  • limited medical expenses (only those not claimable on Medicare).

What’s covered

For more information on what you are covered for in the University's group personal accident policy, you can refer to the document below:

Supporting documents

You should not provide copies of the insurance certificates to external organisations unless the activity has been appropriately approved by the University. The University’s insurance will only be available if the activity has been appropriately approved (in writing) before the relevant activity commences.

If you need a letter, or single Certificate of Currency, you can download a Certificate of currency (pdf, 114KB).

Student Accident Plans

This policy provides cover for personal accident and sickness, primarily in Australia, for full and part time students of the University and non student members, volunteers and staff of Sydney University Sport. It covers you while on campus and/or engaged in University, course and sport related activities and/or practical placement or community placement activities. It also covers travel to and from these activities.

For personal accident claims from 4pm, 31 October 2019 that exceed $1,000, complete the personal accident claim form (pdf, 573KB) and send to

For claims less than the excess amount, students should contact their relevant faculty, school or department to assess the claims.

If you're undertaking a paid placement as part of Experience in industry, your host organisation must hold workers’ compensation insurance and follow the requirements of the Fair Work Act 2009.

For more information about this opportunity, read our Experience in industry page.

The Sydney Law School can provide a letter to the organisation where you are completing an unpaid internship or placement, to provide permission to participate and confirm your coverage under the University’s insurance policies.

To request a letter, visit Canvas and complete the online student internship letter request form.

For any queries contact

Student Centre



1800 SYD UNI (1800 793 864)
or +61 2 8627 1444 (outside Australia)

Find out more about how we can help

Last updated: 19 December 2024

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