
Infrastructure Governance Incubator

Investigating Australia’s urban infrastructure
The Infrastructure Governance Incubator investigates the planning and delivery of urban infrastructure in Australian cities, identifying strengths and gaps in current practices as well as developing integrated infrastructure governance approaches for Australian cities.

Our research focuses on the planning, funding, and the social legitimacy of infrastructure, acknowledging contexts of multiple crises and foregrounding the need for First Nations voices in governance. 

A recent example of our research is an in-depth case study of Sydney’s Western Parklands City, involving 55 interviews with wide ranging stakeholders from different levels of government, the private sector and NGOs. With a highly esteemed advisory board including key infrastructure stakeholders from NSW and Victoria, the Incubator’s work has expanded through co-funded work on public-led smart city approaches with DPIE and through two practitioner-in-residence positions.

Project Partners

Project team

  • Tooran Alizadeh – Associate Professor of Urbanism and Infrastructure, ARC Future Fellow
  • Rebecca Clements – Henry Halloran Trust Postdoctoral Research Fellow
  • Glen Searle – Adjunct Associate Professor in Planning
  • Liton Kamruzzaman – Associate Professor of Transport, Monash
  • Crystal Legacy – Associate Professor in Urban Planning, UNIMELB
  • Dallas Rogers – Associate Professor in Urbanism