Cardiac Research Laboratory

Unlocking the molecular pathways of human heart failure and cardiac regeneration

We conduct research into human heart failure and cardiac regeneration to better understand the causes and opportunities for prevention.

Our mission is to foster national and international collaboration into what causes and how to prevent human heart failure. 

Our work focuses on basic science and translational research into human heart failure and cardiac regeneration. We study pathogenic and age-related changes in human heart samples via integration of the cardiac genome, transcriptome, metabolome and proteome.

The resulting data repositories of integrated gene to protein pathways of human heart failure will become a freely accessible resource for Australian and international research collaborators to facilitate downstream mechanistic studies.

Our projects focus on human heart failure, normal cardiac ageing and human cardiac regeneration. Dr Sean Lal is the director of the Sydney Heart Bank, which is a bio-repository of cryopreserved human heart tissue.

Research group leader