University of Sydney Handbooks - 2022 Archive

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About the Dalyell Stream

What is the Dalyell Stream?

The Dalyell stream is a targeted stream that offers outstanding students the opportunity to engage in challenging experiences to gain greater breadth and/or depth of learning in their degree, and achieve the graduate qualities to a high level. Students who participate in the Dalyell stream are known as the Dalyell Scholars.

It emphasises the development of vision, depth of understanding, adaptability, breadth of perspective, societal contribution and a high level of capability in operating across disciplinary and cultural boundaries.

Expected qualities of a Dalyell Scholar




Relevant graduate quality/ies


Dalyell Scholars will be able to analyse and interpret complex scenarios, structure problems and develop effective cross/interdisciplinary, novel or research-based solutions to tackle systemic societal and global problems.

Broader skills:

- Critical thinking and problem solving

- Information and digital literacy

- Inventiveness


Dalyell Scholars will be able to demonstrate a high degree of capability, resilience and agility in operating across cultural boundaries and engage ethically, respectfully and professionally in inter and cross-cultural settings and on the world-stage.

- Cultural competence

- An integrated professional, ethical and personal identity


Dalyell Scholars will integrate deep disciplinary knowledge and synthesise multiple viewpoints, practices or disciplines into their own perspective and will use this to influence others.


- Interdisciplinary effectiveness

- Influence

- Communication

When can students enter and exit the Dalyell stream?

Students may only enter the Dalyell stream at two points.

1) Students may enter at the start of their first year; via a 98+ ATAR or equivalent for alternative pathways, e.g. 90+ ATAR for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.

2) Students who are enrolled in degrees that offer Dalyell may be eligible to transfer into the stream after the end of their first year or equivalent (48cp). Eligibility to transfer into the stream will require achievement of a cross semester average mark (CSAM) of 80 or more and an invitation to join the stream will be sent from Sydney Student.

Dalyell Scholars will need to maintain an CSAM of 75 to remain in the stream. Students can exit the Dalyell stream at any time.