
2023 Prize Giving Ceremony a huge success

6 June 2023
The annual Prize Giving night took place on 26 May
In one of Sydney Law School’s largest annual events, over 150 undergraduate and postgraduate students were recognised for their outstanding academic achievements at the Prize Giving Ceremony.
Attendees at the 2023 Prize Giving Evening

The Dean and Head of School, Professor Simon Bronitt, acknowledged the hard work and determination of our students and expressed the Law School’s gratitude for the invaluable support of the community and the profession.

“Sydney graduates and others in the community recognise the importance of acknowledging our students’ excellence, and particularly creating opportunities for students from different walks of life.”

This year, prize and scholarship donors and representatives, Sydney Law School staff and members of the legal profession came together to celebrate and recognise the outstanding achievements of our law students and recognise this significant occasion.

The prestigious University Medal in Law was awarded to two students, Samuel Goldberg and Aryan Mohseni, who each delivered their own heartfelt and inspiring student address.

Aoife Hogan was recognised as the top ranked student in the Juris Doctor cohort.

Students received a special address from Andreas Heger, Executive Director of the New South Wales Bar Association, who shared his experiences and left our students with invaluable advice.

“There is nothing you cannot overcome with enough determination, and the slow and steady accumulation of small victories.”

Professor Simon Bronitt at the 2023 Prize Giving Ceremony

The winners of the Sydney Law School Teaching Awards, Dr Louise Boon-Kuo and Dr Coel Kirkby, were also acknowledged and celebrated in the ceremony.

The Master of Ceremonies for the evening Associate Professor Penelope Crossley, Director of Alumni Engagement, took a moment to reflect on the bright, diverse future ahead of Sydney Law School.

“The Law School is now the most diverse area of the University in terms of equity scholarships, and it’s something we’re immensely proud of.”

Watch the 2023 Prize Giving Ceremony

Sydney Law School would like to warmly congratulate all prize winners and scholarship recipients (in alphabetical order):

Juan Alcalde Valdes

The University of Sydney Law School Dean's Scholarship

Thomas Alchin

Peter Paterson Prize

Noam Antonir

Walter Reid Memorial Prize II for Contracts

Remashree Baniya

Ashurst Prize in Australian Income Tax

Elizabeth Barber

Dean’s List of Excellence for Academic Performance

Amanda Bingham

Ross Waite Parsons Postgraduate Coursework Law Scholarship

Hannah Bolt

Ross Waite Parsons Postgraduate Coursework Law Scholarship

Kristiana  Brown

The Victoria Gollan Memorial Fund Scholarship

Lijun Cai

Ross Waite Parsons Postgraduate Coursework Law Scholarship

David Caldwell

The George and Matilda Harris Scholarship Prize for the Master of Business Law

Georgina Calvert

Dean’s List of Excellence for Academic Performance

Rose Cardis

David Stuart Hicks Scholarship

Renae Carter

The George and Matilda Harris Scholarship Prize for the Master of Taxation

Qirui Chi

King & Wood Mallesons Prize in Banking and Financial Instruments

Charlotte Chilvers

W. A. Cooke, Jane Cooke and Alfred Godfrey Scholarship

Robert Clarke

Julius and Reca Stone Award in International Law and Jurisprudence

Timothy Collins

Walter Reid Memorial Prize II for Torts and Contracts II

George and Matilda Harris Scholarship No. IIB for Third Year of Combined Law

Maxwell Condi

Walter Reid Memorial Prize II for Private International Law A

Dean’s List of Excellence for Academic Performance

Daniel Cordeschi

Ashurst Prize in Advanced Taxation Law

Dean’s List of Excellence for Academic Performance

Genevieve Couvret

Paul Byrne SC Memorial Prize for Advanced Criminal Law

Fayanne Yufei Cui

Walter Reid Memorial Prize II for Equity

John Geddes Prize for Equity

Grace Cummings

G. W. Hyman Memorial Prize in Labour Law

Gwendalyn Dabaja

Walter Reid Memorial Prize II for Foundations of Law

Walter Ernest Savage Prize for Foundations of Law

Josephine Dalstead

Walter Reid Memorial Prize II for Corporations Law

Dean’s List of Excellence for Academic Performance

Michael Day

Walter Reid Memorial Prize II for Public Law

Dr Elizabeth Deards

Ross Waite Parsons Postgraduate Coursework Law Scholarship

Bartholomew Denaro

Dean’s List of Excellence for Academic Performance

Guilian D'Ettorre

The Victoria Gollan Memorial Fund Scholarship

Mitch Dow

Walter Reid Memorial Prize II for Public International Law

Pitt Cobbett Prize for Public International Law

Emma Downham

Dean’s List of Excellence for Academic Performance

Seren Everingham

Eric Cunstance Shaw Scholarship

Lucienne Finlay

John O'Brien Memorial Coursework Scholarship in Criminal Law and Criminology

Matthew Fischer

Dean’s List of Excellence for Academic Performance

Nicholas Forbutt

Dean’s List of Excellence for Academic Performance

Hallam Foster

C. A. Coghlan and A. N. Littlejohn Scholarship for the Juris Doctor

Campbell Fredericks

Walter Reid Memorial Prize II for Civil and Criminal Procedure

Walter Reid Memorial Prize II for Public Law

Walter Reid Memorial Prize II for Torts

Dean’s List of Excellence for Academic Performance

Georgia Fryer

The Australian Academy of Law – First Nations Scholarship 2023

Macarena Gaitan

The University of Sydney Law School Dean's Scholarship

Esha Gajbhiye

The University of Sydney Law School Dean's Scholarship

Samuel Goldberg

University Medallist in Law

R. G. Henderson Memorial Prize

Joye Prize in Law

Nancy Gordon Smith Memorial Prize for Honours at Graduation

Zoe Hall Memorial Scholarship

David Levine Prize in Defamation Law

Dean’s List of Excellence for Academic Performance

Zachery Gomes

Nancy Gordon Smith Memorial Prize for Honours at Graduation

Dean’s List of Excellence for Academic Performance

Cindy Gu

The University of Sydney Law School Dean's Scholarship

Bhavya Gupta

Ross Waite Parsons Postgraduate Coursework Law Scholarship

Christopher Haddad

Wigram Allen Scholarship for Juris Doctor

Emily Hall

Judge Samuel Redshaw Prize for Administrative Law

Chuang (Charles) Hao

Walter Reid Memorial Prize II for Public Law

Claudia Harper

Nancy Gordon Smith Memorial Prize for Postgraduate LLM by Coursework

George and Matilda Harris Scholarship Prize for the Master of Laws

Julian Heath

Walter Reid Memorial Prize II for Introduction to Property and Commercial Law

Dean’s List of Excellence for Academic Performance

Benjamin Hines

Walter Reid Memorial Prize II for The Legal Profession

Margaret Dalrymple Hay Prize for Law, Lawyers, and Justice

Dean’s List of Excellence for Academic Performance

Xian Ho

Monahan Prize for Evidence

Walter Reid Memorial Prize II for Evidence

Aoife Hogan

Ranked first in the Juris Doctor cohort

Walter Reid Memorial Prize II for Private International Law A

John George Dalley Prize No. 1B

The George and Matilda Harris Scholarship Prize for the Juris Doctor

Ian Joye Prize in Law

Dean’s List of Excellence for Academic Performance

Dinah Horwitz

Walter Reid Memorial Prize II for Criminal Law

Aaron Levine Prize for Criminal Law

Alexander Hoskinson

Ashurst Prize in Australian Income Tax

Dean’s List of Excellence for Academic Performance

Stephanie Howes

The Victoria Gollan Memorial Fund Scholarship

Daniel Hu

Dean’s List of Excellence for Academic Performance

Alexander Huang

Bruce Panton MacFarlan Prize

Shruti Janakiraman

Sir John Peden Memorial Prize for Proficiency in Foundations of Law, Federal Constitutional Law, International Law and Real Property

Sir Dudley Williams Prize

Nancy Gordon Smith Memorial Prize for Honours at Graduation

Zoe Hall Memorial Scholarship

Dean’s List of Excellence for Academic Performance

Jake Jerogin

Dean’s List of Excellence for Academic Performance

Michael Jiang

Roy Frederick Turner A.M. Scholarship

Benjamin John

Justice Peter Hely Scholarship

Conor Jordan

Walter Reid Memorial Prize II for Introduction to Property and Commercial Law

Alastair Keith

Fiona Gardiner-Hill Prize in Corporate Law

Ambrose Kranitis

Dean’s List of Excellence for Academic Performance

Paul Kwon

Dean’s List of Excellence for Academic Performance

Monica Lai

Dean’s List of Excellence for Academic Performance

Vered C. Lalrinpuii

The University of Sydney Law School Dean's Scholarship

Ali Latash

Walter Reid Scholarship

Samantha Leckie

Walter Reid Memorial Prize II for Administrative Law

Pitt Cobbett Prize for Administrative Law

Dean’s List of Excellence for Academic Performance

Nathan Leivesley

The Judge Perdriau Prize No. 1

Victoria Lekkas

John Warwick McCluskey Memorial Prize

Nicole Leong

Walter Reid Memorial Prize II for Corporations Law

Dean’s List of Excellence for Academic Performance

Jacob Lerner

Dean’s List of Excellence for Academic Performance

Cynthia Leung

The George and Matilda Harris Scholarship Prize for the Master of Administrative Law and Policy

Vanessa Li

Edward John Culey Prize for Proficiency in Real Property and Equity

Dean’s List of Excellence for Academic Performance

Lucas Lin

Walter Reid Memorial Prize II for Public Law

Alessia Lo Presti

Roy Frederick Turner Scholarship

Sebastian Long

Walter Reid Memorial Prize II for Equity

John Geddes Prize for Equity

Joshua Lorschy

J. H. McClemens Memorial Prize No 1 in Criminology

Tuh Fuh and Ruby Lee Memorial Prize in Criminology

Dean’s List of Excellence for Academic Performance

Oscar Loughnan

Walter Reid Memorial Prize II for Criminal Law

Kate Lumsdaine

Walter Reid Memorial Prize II for Private International Law A

Dane Luo

Gustav and Emma Bondy Postgraduate Prize

Alan Bishop Scholarship

Peter Cameron Sydney Oxford Scholarship

John George Dalley Prize No. 1A

Dean’s List of Excellence for Academic Performance

Juliette Mathieu

Walter Reid Memorial Prize II for Corporations Law

Max McHugh

Walter Reid Memorial Prize II for The Legal Profession

Margaret Dalrymple Hay Prize for Law, Lawyers, and Justice

Justice Peter Hely Scholarship

Alexander McManis

Walter Reid Memorial Prize II for Private International Law A

Eden James McSheffrey

Walter Reid Memorial Prize II for Administrative Law

Axel Melkonian

Dean’s List of Excellence for Academic Performance

Kelly Mills

The George and Matilda Harris Scholarship Prize for the Master of Environmental Law

Aryan Mohseni

University Medallist in Law

R. G. Henderson Memorial Prize

Joye Prize in Law

Nancy Gordon Smith Memorial Prize for Honours at Graduation

Dean’s List of Excellence for Academic Performance

Lillian Morgan

The Victoria Gollan Memorial Fund Scholarship

Angelina Morison

Roy Frederick Turner A. M. Scholarship

George Napier

Keith Steele Memorial Prize

Jessica Napoletano

Walter Reid Memorial Prize II for Foundations of Law

Elizabeth Newton

Sir Peter Heydon Prize for the Best Undergraduate Contribution in Constitutional, Administrative or International Law

Rui Nie

Ross Waite Parsons Postgraduate Coursework Law Scholarship

Meara O'Brien

Ashurst Prize in Environmental Law

Thomas O'Sullivan

Walter Reid Memorial Prize II for Federal Constitutional Law

C. A. Hardwick Prize in Federal Constitutional Law

Maria Paredes Aspillaga

Ross Waite Parsons Postgraduate Coursework Law Scholarship

Jaime Paton

Walter Reid Memorial Prize II for Equity

Mikayla Perry

Walter Reid Memorial Prize II for Public International Law

Edward and Emily McWhinney Prize in International Law

Lachlan Pickering

Walter Reid Memorial Prize II for Private International Law A

Harmers Workplace Lawyers Prize for Labour Law

Tina Popp

Ross Waite Parsons Postgraduate Coursework Law Scholarship

Brittney Potvin

The University of Sydney Law School Dean's Scholarship

Akhil Prasad

Dean’s List of Excellence for Academic Performance

Michael Punch

Walter Reid Memorial Prize II for Private International Law A

Dean’s List of Excellence for Academic Performance

Luise Qian

Ross Waite Parsons Postgraduate Coursework Law Scholarship

Belinda Reilly

Walter Reid Memorial Prize II for Real Property

Margaret Ethel Peden Prize in Real Property

Rebecca Ritchie

The George and Matilda Harris Scholarship Prize for the Master of Environmental Law

The Alan Ayling Prize in Environmental Law

Alina Rizvi

Climate Justice and Disaster Law - Natural Hazards Research Australia Prize

Patrick Ryan

Andrew M Clayton Memorial Prize – Clayton Utz

E. D. Roper Memorial Prize No.1 for Equity and Corporations Law

George and Matilda Harris Scholarship No. 1 for Second Year

Dean’s List of Excellence for Academic Performance

Julia Saab

Alan Bishop Scholarship

Shalomy Sathiyaraj

Wigram Allen Scholarship for Juris Doctor

Janelle Sayers

J. H. McClemens Memorial Prize No. 2 in Criminology

Isabel Schnitker

Walter Reid Memorial Prize II for Torts and Contracts II

Kate Schomburgk

The George and Matilda Harris Scholarship Prize for the Master of Health Law

Tiger Shen

Walter Reid Memorial Prize II for Corporations Law

Anna Simpson

Walter Reid Memorial Prize II for Contracts

Caitlin Sinclair

David Stuart Hicks Scholarship

Aniket Sinha

Roy Frederick Turner A. M. Scholarship

Jacob Slaytor

Dean’s List of Excellence for Academic Performance

Abbey Stewart

Walter Reid Memorial Prize II for Real Property

Codey Swadling

Sybil Morrison Prize in Jurisprudence Part 2

Thomas P. Flattery Prize for Roman Law

Dean’s List of Excellence for Academic Performance

Jessica Syed

Dean’s List of Excellence for Academic Performance

James Tanna

Alan Bishop Scholarship

Peter Taurian

Walter Reid Memorial Prize II for Public Law

Walter Reid Memorial Prize II for Torts and Contracts II

Jasmine Todoroska

Walter Reid Memorial Prize II for Private International Law A

Rose Scott Prize for Proficiency at Graduation by a Woman Candidate

Dean’s List of Excellence for Academic Performance

Vivian Truong

Mr Justice Stanley Vere Toose Memorial Prize for Family Law

Theodore John Tsolakis

Wigram Allen Scholarship for Juris Doctor

Connor Usalj

Dean’s List of Excellence for Academic Performance

Sterre Van Campen

The Marjorie O'Brien Prize

The George and Matilda Harris Scholarship Prize for the Master of International Law

Clare Veal

Walter Reid Memorial Prize II for Evidence

Walter Reid Memorial Prize II for The Legal Profession

Law Society of New South Wales Prize for Law, Lawyers, and Justice

George and Matilda Harris Scholarship No. IIA

Dean's List of Excellence for Academic Performance

Lucinda Vitek

J. H. McClemens Memorial Prize No. 2 in Criminology

Dr Lily Vrtik

The George and Matilda Harris Scholarship Prize for the Master of Health Law

Ravi Prakash Vyas

W. A. Cooke, Jane Cooke and Alfred Godfrey Scholarship

Harriet Walker

Walter Reid Memorial Prize II for Federal Constitutional Law

Pitt Cobbett Prize for Federal Constitutional Law

Chuyi Wang

Christopher C Hodgekiss Prize in Competition Law

Dean’s List of Excellence for Academic Performance

Charlie Ward

Nancy Gordon Smith Memorial Prize for Honours at Graduation

Yurong Wei

Ross Waite Parsons Postgraduate Coursework Law Scholarship

Christine White

Walter Reid Memorial Prize II for Public International Law

Pitt Cobbett Prize for Public International Law

Rebecca Wilcox

Walter Reid Memorial Prize II for Torts

Caroline Munro Gibbs Prize for Torts

Wai Cheung Wong

The Tomonari Akaha Memorial Prize

Emily Wooding

The Victoria Gollan Memorial Fund Scholarship

Kenny Wu

University of Sydney Foundation Prize for Australian International Taxation

Jessica Zhang

Fiona Gardiner-Hill Prize in Corporate Law

Jessica Zheng

Harmers Workplace Lawyers Prize for Anti-Discrimination Law

Playfair Prize in Migration Law

Dean’s List of Excellence for Academic Performance

Bernice Zhu

Ross Waite Parsons Postgraduate Coursework Law Scholarship

Kevin Zou

Walter Reid Memorial Prize II for The Legal Profession

Margaret Dalrymple Hay Prize for Law, Lawyers, and Justice

E. D. Roper Memorial Prize No.2 for Equity and Corporations Law

Dean’s List of Excellence for Academic Performance

Alexandra Zubrickas

Walter Reid Memorial Prize II for Contracts

E. M. Mitchell Prize for Contracts

Sydney Law School warmly congratulates the Sydney Law School Teaching Award winners (in alphabetical order):

Dr Louise Boon-Kuo

Award for Teaching Excellence

Dr Coel Kirkby

Award for Teaching Excellence (Early Career)

View the 2023 Prize Giving Ceremony program

View the professional photos taken on the evening on Sydney Law School's Facebook page.

Photographer on the evening was Maja Baska.