Climate, Sustainability and Health

Law as a tool for a healthier and more sustainable future

Our research enhances legal responses to grow societal resilience, to foster better health outcomes and to promote sustainability.

Sydney Health Law

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Our researchers conduct ground-breaking research aimed at harnessing legal and ethical frameworks to confront the multifaceted challenges posed by environmental degradation, climate change, environmental disasters, energy transition and all facets of human health.

We collaborate with governments, NGOs, industry and others to design and promote solutions for critical issues such as energy transition, sustainable food systems, biodiversity loss, warming land and oceans, and climate change impacts.

Our health law researchers enjoy a global reputation as experts in health innovations for community resilience including in pharmaceuticals, tissue technologies, public health governance of communicable and non-communicable diseases, end-of-life care, and health professional regulation.



Forest fire, Pinus pinaster, Guadalajara (Spain) Link

Climate, Sustainability and Health