Law in the Region and the World

Exploring Australia’s place in the international order

Examining Australia’s role in our region and the world, including knowledge and understanding of law and society in Asia and the developing island countries of the Pacific, and their interactions with Australia.

Sydney Centre for International Law

Find out more

At the Sydney Law School, researchers are at the forefront of the study of Australia's regional connections and its place in the global legal order, focussing on international, comparative and cross-border legal interactions.

Our researchers undertake comprehensive analysis of public and private international law, and foreign and comparative law.

We use the lens of public and private international law, as well as foreign and comparative law to deliver impactful studies of South Asia, Central Asia, Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia, the Mekong Basin, the European Union and the developing island countries of the Pacific.

Our path-breaking in-country studies across India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Cambodia and New Zealand have influenced law and policy within those countries.

Our researchers generate unique insights into pressing legal and social issues shaping our interconnected world and domestic legal systems.



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Law in the Region and the World