A Note on Abbreviations Employed in the Bibliographies

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MOST OF THE periodical titles cited in the bibliographies appearing throughout this volume have been given without abbreviation, or with abbreviations that should be self-explanatory. Below appears a list of those abbreviations that may not be familiar to medical readers or that may be confused with others of similar title.

A.D.B. Australian Dictionary of Biography, published by Melbourne University Press.

Aust. Encyc. The Australian Encyclopaedia (1958 edition), published by the Grolier Society of Australia.

J.R.A.H.S. Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Australian Historical Society, published by the Society.

N.S.W. Med. Gaz. The New South Wales Medical Gazette, published by Frederick Milford and others in Sydney from 1870 to 1875.

Aust. Med. Gaz. The Australasian Medical Gazette, published by the N.S.W. Branch of the B.M.A. (1881–1914). (Not to be confused with The Australian Medical Gazette published by the Victorian Medical Association (1869–1871), the title of which is always given in full.)

Aust. Med. J. The Australian Medical Journal, published by The Medical Society of Victoria (1856–1914). (Not to be confused with a Sydney periodical of the same name, published by Isaac Aaron and others in 1846–1847.)

Med. J. Aust. The Medical Journal of Australia, published by the Australian Medical Association (since 1914).

Plarr’s Lives. Lives of the Fellows of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. (Strictly speaking, only Vols 1 and 2, published in 1930, are called Plarr’s Lives), published by the College.

Syd. Univ. Med. J. Sydney University Medical Journal, published by the Sydney University Medical Society (until 1974).

RPA Yearbook. Royal Prince Alfred Yearbook, published by the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital.

Bull. Post.-Grad. Comm. Med. Univ. Syd. The Bulletin of the Post-Graduate Committee in Medicine of the University of Sydney, published by the Committee.

Snr Yr Bk Senior Year Book, published annually by the Sydney University Medical Society (since 1922).

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