Research Supervisor Connect

Professional Practice in Pharmacy


The ever-changing framework of pharmacy practice, particularly as pharmacists seek to expand their services to the community, should be fortified by strong ethical principles in practice to support high levels of professionalism. This body of research probes aspects of professionalism in real life practice and whether interventions may be needed to address any gaps found.


Associate Professor Betty Chaar.

Research location

Sydney Pharmacy School

Program type



This is a vast domain of research, exploring contemporary, and sometimes contentious, issues such as pharmacists' perspectives on euthanasia, abortion, contraception, clinical services, medicine shortages, vaccination administration, prescribing, direct to consumer advertising, complementary medicines, weight management and drug/alcohol addiction. Pharmacists' roles are expanding as new medicines and new legislative laws are implemented. This is also a domain of great interest to researchers overseas who grapple with new concepts of professionalism.
Research in this domain is conducted using various methods and study designs. Qualitative methods, such as interviews and focus groups, are often used to establish initial exploration and inform survey constructs for subsequent phases of a research project. Sometimes we conduct pseudo-patient studies that allow for accurate depiction of what goes on in practice without bias or prior notice - these are effective studies that guide and inform the formulation of interventions and guidelines.

Additional information

If you are interested in conducting research exploring any aspect of pharmacy practice and professionalism, whether in Australia or overseas, please feel free to contact Dr Chaar.  

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Opportunity ID

The opportunity ID for this research opportunity is 2968

Other opportunities with Associate Professor Betty Chaar