Results that match 1 of 2 words

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Old and Middle English language and literature

600-c. 1100). My research is mostly in the area of Old English literature and language, with a special interest in Old English prose, early English biblical poetry, and the
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Many-body photon propagation in atomic ensembles

This was however only shown under the special case of very weak excitation of an atomic ensemble.
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Modular representation theory of symmetric groups and their Hecke algebras

for example, even though we know how to construct all of the irreducible representations over these fields the dimensions of these representations are unknown except in some very special cases.
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Research in Medicinal Cannabis and Cannabinoid Therapeutics

A wide range ofchemistry, cellular and preclinical PhD projects are available for consideration that involve the development and early stage evaluation of cannabis-based treatments for conditions such as of epilepsy,
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The role of regulatory T Lymphocytes in aberrant human immune responses

autoimmune and allergic diseases. PHD. Professor Nanan and his team at Sydney Medical School Nepean have developed a special research focus on T regulatory cells.
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Medical and Health Science Educational Research

Theses by publication are preferred. Masters/PHD. My own research focus is on student and postgraduate trainee assessment, informed by psychometric theory, with a special focus on the impact of educational
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Energy Recovery in Spray Drying

The outcomes of this project will improve the understanding of the three-way life cycle consideration of product quality, operating energy use and embodied energy, enhancing the ability to do greenhouse
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Special and Inclusive Education

Research Supervisor Connect. Dr Evans is Professor of Special Education in the Sydney School of Education and Social Work at the University of Sydney. ... Research on teaching and learning. Special and inclusive education. Teacher education and
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Geometry and Asymptotics of Integrable Systems

For example, despite our knowledge of special families of exact solutions, we do not know how general solutions of discrete Painlevé equations behave anywhere in the domain of the independent variable.
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Developmental Disability and Literacy Project (DDLP)

The mechanisms underlying reading and writing continue to be of great interest within social/health science (e.g., special issue of Reading & Writing edited by Arciuli, 2009; Wilson & Colmar, 2008).