Results that match 1 of 2 words


Shades of white: what you should know about teeth whitening

Before you start. Before you undergo any course of teeth whitening, it would be a good idea to have a check-up to make sure your mouth is healthy.

Start end of life conversations sooner, say experts

I think we got into this position because we became so good at medicine,” she says. ... It calls for good preparation for death – being aware that it is, coming and getting ready for dying.

Could manufacturing aid Australia's economic recovery?

New manufacturing processes, including 3-D printing, are providing opportunities to rethink the way that we design and optimise the performance of complex manufactured goods using metals, ceramics and polymer composites.

Mental health expert calls for ‘smart choices’ on Medicare reform

Professor Ian Hickie urges the Medicare review's mental health reference group to reconsider extending rebates to people "at risk" of mental illness, saying long-term reform will be compromised.

How do we champion women in STEM?

How do we champion women in STEM? 6 March 2019. Noticing unconscious bias is key to promoting gender balance in STEM, says Associate Professor Ruby Lin from the Centre for Infectious Diseases and Microbiology. Dr Lin shares her thoughts on promoting

Three reasons to stick with maths

Many industry and economic experts predict future economies – specifically those using technology to rapidly create goods and services – will be built on maths and science knowledge and skills. ... The relationship between studying higher-level

Facebook's news ban before COVID vaccine rollout is dangerous

By minimising the media’s role at this moment, Facebook will make it harder for people to access good information, at a time when they need it most.

Five ways to reduce the risk of stillbirth

The response by care providers to maternal reporting of decreased fetal movement is often not as good as it should be. ... Good antenatal detection, combined with careful management, improve the baby’s chances of being born healthy.

The latest Scientists' Warning (on affluence)

Positional consumption” is another key mechanism, where people increasingly consume status goods once their basic needs are satisfied. ... They can challenge the notion that riches and economic growth are inherently good and bring forward “social

How to grow food in the post-truth era

Global Swiss agro corp Syngenta’s Good Growth Plan assures us the private sector can deliver on “the promise of sustainable and inclusive development” while mitigating the effects of climate change.