Results that match 1 of 2 words


Confronting radical extremism

30.3MB. Government & politics. in law and policy. He's advised numerous governments on deradicalisation and counterterrorism and been a special assistant to the Federal Minister in Pakistan's government. ... He's advised the military and security

An extract from Stephen Garton's 'The Cost of War'

An extract from Stephen Garton's 'The Cost of War'. 23 April 2020. In Chapter 1 of his new book, Professor of History and Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor Stephen Garton writes of soldiers' feelings upon their return from battle. In 1935 ‘Alan

Winners and losers of Australia and Indonesia’s trade deal

They give special rights to foreign corporations to bypass local courts and sue governments for millions of dollars in extra-national tribunals if they believe a change in law or policy

Will women forsake the Liberal party at the next election?

Will women forsake the Liberal party at the next election? 15 March 2021. Government’s response to sexual assault claims could impact voting. Last election, the Liberal party attracted the lowest number of votes from women since 1987. This trend