Results that match 1 of 2 words


How we tackle the obesity epidemic needs to change

We need greater consideration of individual needs, so that treatments are tailored to the circumstances, priorities and needs of each person.

Caution not a by-word for inaction on Indigenous affairs

If Parliament is to have a special power to make laws with respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, then it only seems fair that those affected should at least

After 70 years, does the Declaration of Human Rights still matter?

A special Sydney Ideas event this weekend will also celebrate and critically reflect on the milestone and Australia’s own human rights record.

Game of Thrones and the fluid world of medieval gender

While monastics deployed gender identities in innovative ways in regard to themselves, even the gender of the Christian Trinitarian God came under consideration with both male and female mystics contemplating the

Could Section 44 challenge past parliamentary decisions?

Photo: Bidgee. Image courtesy Wikimedia Commons. In the case of the senators (Nash and Canavan), the High Court, sitting as the Court of Disputed Returns, would most likely order a special ... However, this is inherent in the arrangements of a nation

Constitutional monarchy and royal assent for government bills

A bill does not become a law until it has been passed by both houses (subject to special procedures for certain bills that may not need to be passed by the

Jumping the queue to buy a COVID-19 vaccine comes at a price

of entry, the answer is to build in flexibility through special access requests, not private sales. ... Special cold chain management is not easy for any provider, but is likely better handled by larger-scale providers set up to deliver COVID vaccines.

Joking your way to the top: why laughter is the best medicine for stressed executives

We realised that humour was absolutely commonplace. It wasn’t something special that happened, but rather a natural response that people enacted when dealing with difficult situations in the workplace.

This is why Australia churns through leaders so quickly

The public pays more attention when the ousted leader is also in charge of government, but under Australia’s constitutional system of government the prime minister gets no special treatment.