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Celebrating women in STEMM

Find out more about Calida Tang who studies a Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Laws and plays the viola in the Sydney Youth Orchestra.

ALP’s battery storage policy: 4 expert reactions

As part of a new plan by The Australian Labor Party to boost renewables and cut energy costs, from 2020 households would receive a $2000 subsidy for batteries. Four University of Sydney academics from the Centre for Future Energy experts examine the

3 ways millennials do politics differently

Millennialsâ political engagement is quite distinct from that of their baby boomer and Gen X predecessors. Professor Ariadne Vromen explains in this Open for Discussion episode.

An extract from Stephen Garton's 'The Cost of War'

An extract from Stephen Garton's 'The Cost of War'. 23 April 2020. In Chapter 1 of his new book, Professor of History and Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor Stephen Garton writes of soldiers' feelings upon their return from battle. In 1935 ‘Alan

10 Indigenous staff and students taking the next steps

In her second year of a Bachelor of Law and Science, majoring in Psychology, Irene volunteers with the University’s new Mentoring Our Brothers and Sisters peer mentoring program.

What you should and shouldn’t do if you’re in coronavirus self-isolation

The dos and don'ts of coronavirus self-isolation. 17 March 2020. People should avoid contact with any person in their household who has tested positive for COVID-19 or is awaiting test results, writes Associate Professor Adam Kamradt-Scott.

Five things to know about the 1967 Referendum

This empowered the national government to make laws in respect of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples that could assist in addressing inequalities. ... 2. Changes were made to Section 51 of the Constitution. The 1967 referendum changed Section

Elite Athletes vs Couch Potatoes: can the Rio Games bridge the divide?

That you end of up with, you know, an increased business interest, a shift from participation to spectatorship and gambling that goes on around the Olympics. ... correlation between sport and big business is wrong to be quite frank with you.

Better ways to counter terror than 'mini max' prison

Countering violent extremism is a problem that has to be tackled with the right communication from the very top of the political establishment, writes University of Sydney doctoral researcher Hussain Nadim.

Hissstory: how the science of snake bite treatments has changed

Hissstory: how the science of snake bite treatments has changed. 7 February 2017. From ammonia and alcohol, to splints and antivenoms: Dr Peter Hobbins from the Department of History charts the evolution of Australia's snake bite treatments. Brown