
New world by the time class of 2031 graduates

that will make present approaches look medieval, and radically changed ways of working, doing business and being a citizen.

Chill out. A slightly warmer office won’t make it too hot to think

What's the optimal temperature for office air conditioning? Research shows setting the temperature to 25 degrees Celsius will preserve energy and won't make it too hot for workers. Find out more.

Difference in a federal system should be cherished not feared

Monopolies are not the best performers. When a company has a monopoly over an area of business, it usually becomes bloated with staff and complacent. ... state would lower its rates to attract business, forcing the others to do likewise.

How market forces and weakened institutions are keeping wages low

This article was authored by Professor John Buchanan, Head of the Discipline of Business Analytics at the University of Sydney Business School. ... It was originally published on The Conversation as 'Katie Booth. Media & PR Adviser (Business School).

Open source drug research to open up medicine

What is the problem? On average, it takes 12 years and costs AUD $3.6 billion to bring a new drug to market and it’s a risky business.

Who pays compensation if a COVID19 vaccine has rare side effects

This is funded through a combination of general taxation, and levies collected from employee earnings, businesses, vehicle licensing and fuel.

Drilled Alaska: experts comment on Trump's oil and gas plan

The US Department of the Interior has approved oil and gas drilling in Alaska's pristine Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. University of Sydney experts comment on the possible impact on the environment, Native Peoples and animal populations.

Data initiative a breakthrough but it’s not all smooth sailing

The establishment of the recently announced NSW government Data Analytics Centre is a unique opportunity for business, universities and the state government to forge a partnership and deliver on data-driven ... NSW is taking a transformational lead in