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Are you ready for the jobs of the future

The big question is whether we are facing more of the same, or whether the exponential technologies will usher in more dramatic changes, writes Honorary Professor Ron Johnston. ... Professor Johnston's piece was first published onVictoria Hollick. Media

Why Facebook needs to do more to protect you from online abuse

Why Facebook needs to do more to protect you from online abuse. Facebook agrees to join international social media taskforce. The pressure is mounting for Facebook to develop more open and responsive ways of dealing with online hate, write Dr Fiona

Mental health: Turnbull can lead change, like Howard and Gillard

Professor Ian Hickie. Late last year, in response to a review of the NMHC’s commonwealth-funded services, Turnbull set out a clear agenda for mental health reform. ... Professor Ian Hickie is co-director of the Brain and Mind Centre at the University

Preventing heart attacks could be as simple as a text

Preventing heart attacks could be as simple as a text. 24 September 2015. A simple SMS could be lifesaving, writes University of Sydney Associate Professor Clara Chow. When someone has a heart attack, we do everything we can to help them survive it.

What we need from drugs that are meant to end life

Which drugs should be used to end life if euthanasia is legalised in Victoria? Dr Betty Chaar and Sami Isaac from the Faculty of Pharmacy explain.

Tomorrow's 'new collar' jobs will be quite old-fashioned, our response should be too

How will artificial intelligence affect the future? Benefits from technological change must be shared equitably, writes Dr Samuel Wills in The Conversation. Read his piece here.

Coffee companion: how that muffin or banana bread adds to your waistline

Coffee companion: how that muffin or banana bread adds to your waistline. 19 October 2015. PhD student Kathy Chapman has contributed to an analysis of the saturated fat, energy and sugars in some of our favourite treats. Whether it’s a coffee in

More low-paid work is part of the problem, not the solution

Employer groups are calling for a cut in real wages for low paid workers, but this would only exacerbate current problems, writes Professor John Buchanan.

Shanghai's lost history of Chinese-Australians

Flicking through Tess Johnston's book, A Last Look: Western Architecture in Old Shanghai, I saw an image of Daisy Kwok outside her family's now decrepit mansion in the Jingnan

Cancer research in the age of COVID

For example, the Cancer Council in Queensland was one of the funders of the work by Professor Ian Frazer and Dr Jian Zhou to develop the HPV vaccine to eliminate cervical