Results that match 1 of 2 words

Faculties and schools_

Classics and Ancient History - Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Of special interest in these interdisciplinary approaches to models of order (kosmos, mundus) and our place in it are mythmaking and storytelling, theology and natural science, and moral instruction and asceticism
Faculties and schools_

Gender and Cultural Studies - Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

This global diasporic population flourished through hegemonic control over land, natural resources, Indigenous peoples, and our non-human relatives.
Faculties and schools_

Home - Faculty of Medicine and Health

Healthcare, both in Australia and overseas, is undergoing significant change. We're committed to leading this change, by educating and shaping future healthcare professionals and reimagining the way healthcare is delivered.
Faculties and schools_

Our history - Faculty of Medicine and Health

Stuart was a pioneer of University-based medical education in Australia, at a time when most English practitioners were still the product of apprenticeships and hospital-based medical schools.