Results that match 1 of 2 words

Research opportunities_

Diagnosis of high powered pulsed plasmas for the synthesis of new materials

group at the ANU, Canberra, on a two million dollar ARC infrastructure grant awarded to the consortium.
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Social Theory

Over the course of his career, and working in partnership with community, government and industry, he has been an investigator on over AU$20 million in competitive research grants, including 15 Australian ... Research Council (ARC) grants.
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Behaviour of LiteSteel Beams (Hollow Flange Channels)

The Department of Civil Engineering and Smorgon Steel were awarded an Australian Research Council Linkage Grant to research the structural behaviour of these new sections.
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History of Early Modern Philosophy

She received a Leverhulm research grant (2014-2016) for the interdisciplinary project “Sympathy and its Reflections in History”, and has an ARC Discovery Project on the Experimental Self (2017-19) which
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Interplay between Innate and adaptive immunity in kidney ischemia reperfusion injury and allograft rejection

The projects are supported by grants from the National Health and Medical Research Council and Kidney Health Australia.
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Southeast Asian history and art

He has held a series of Australian Research Council grants (Discovery and Linkage), the most recent of which is a large team project re-examining Australian history through a multilingual lens.
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Mechanisms of T cell migration and interactions in the tumor microenvironment

Funding: Our laboratory is currently funded by grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH, USA) and a Life Science Research Award from NSW. ... At the moment, we also have 3 NHRMC grants pending. Potential PhD projects:.
Research opportunities_

The role of key driver genes in the pathogenesis of acute renal allograft rejection

This study will lead to publish high quality of papers and apply a new NHMRC project grant.
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Improving care standards and costs for spinal trauma patients

This second current study (Sydney Medical School Early Career Research grant 2015) is defining ‘agreed evidence based standards for practice'; one of the first and most crucial steps before the translation
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Clear and present danger: Dissecting the role of TSP-1 in the inflamed neovascularized cornea

The tight physical barrier on the corneal epithelium, high degree of innervation, and various other factors that mediate corneal immune privilege grant the cornea protection from opportunistic invasion of pathogens and