
Trialling new “heads up” enhanced 3D microscopes

Improving precision in complex eye surgeries

The Professorial Unit at Save Sight is trialling new enhanced 3D microscopes, which allow more precise intraocular surgery in complex cataract, glaucoma, corneal and vitreretinal surgery. 

The Professorial Unit is trialling new “heads up” enhanced 3D microscopes, along with other specialist eye units at Sydney Eye Hospital.

The enhanced 3 dimensional effect and increased magnification of ocular structures provided by this new cutting edge technology allows more precise intraocular surgery in complex cataract, glaucoma, corneal and vitreoretinal surgery.

These operating microscopes also have the option of in-built OCT scanning that allows OCT scans of the retina to be performed during surgery. 

This improves the exact placement of instruments in and under the retina during surgery and decreases surgical trauma. 

This level of surgical precision will be critical for sub-retinal placement of new therapies such as gene enhancement and gene replacement therapy for disease such as genetically determined retinal diseases. 

Intra-operative OCT scanning of the cornea is also possible and will improve our ability to accurately perform complex corneal surgery.

There are likely to be many other surgical applications for this technology as precision management for eye diseases evolves.

Professor John Grigg

Head of Discipline
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Professor Peter McCluskey

Director, Save Sight Institute
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