School of Physics WHS

Work Health Safety and Wellbeing

Information on the School of Physics WHS procedures can be found on the Physics Intranet.

In most of our buildings, local emergency procedures are maintained under the direction of a chief warden. University staff, students and affiliates are encouraged to contact the relevant chief warden if they are seeking information about the emergency procedures for a particular building.

For further information please email

For Chief Wardens names please visit Chief Warden List


Location of First Aid Kits & Defibrillators

A28 - Main Physics Building
Defibrillators: Main Foyer, Level 2 and Physics Reception, Level 2

First aid kits: Outside 104 (Parent's room), 243 (Workshop), Outside 211, Outside 227, 327 (Tearoom), Outside 350, Outside Lecture Theatre 1 (lvl 4), Outside Lecture Theatre 2 (lvl 4)


School Safety Committee

The committee provides advice to the Head of School on issues relating to work health health and safety matters within the School of Physics. It develops and maintains environmental and hazard guidelines.

The School Safety Officer, who is a member of the Safety Committee, is responsible to the Head of School on a day-to-day basis for operational matters regarding occupational health and safety.

If there are any issues that need to be raised to the committee, please email the Committee Secretariat.


Staff member to be contacted in an emergency

First Aid Officers Department Phone Email Location
Brian Ford Technical 9351 5475 Room 421/419, Physics A28
Manisha Caleb SIfA 0426890131 Room 359A, Physics A28
Mike Zhong TSS - Workshop
Room 102, Physics A28
Christopher Hoffmann TSS - Sci Comp 041953536 Room 410, Physics A28



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